You know the scenario — it’s time to make a tough decision for the team and before the discussion has even ended, your heart rate increases and the sweat starts to form on your forehead. The fear is deafening. What will you do? What’s the safe choice? How has it always been done? What requires the least risk? If you’re waiting for a sign, here it is! Enter the comfort zone, otherwise known as the “Lazy Boy” of the mind. Does this sound familiar? If so, it’s time to challenge yourself to go beyond mediocrity and take steps toward innovation. If you want change, and you truly believe change is needed, you must raise the bar and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Ask yourself the question, “What’s the worst that can happen if I step outside my comfort zone?” Don’t operate under the fearful impression that hard work and thinking outside the box will automatically be deemed as inexcusable. With the right leadership, your courage will be rewarded. Did Coke close the company down after it only sold 25 gallons of syrup in its first year? Did Michael Jordan quit basketball after he was cut from his high school team? Did Colonel Sanders quit on his dream of Kentucky Fried Chicken when he started at the age of 60? All of these stories stem from the same motivation. It’s that willingness to abandon the comfort zone and push aside the fear of failure to discover your true purpose. Everything takes both skill and will, but neither come into the equation without risk. Living a fulfilled life requires you to challenge yourself to realize that you have complete control of your happiness. Every time you push yourself to discover something new, you are growing as a person. Confidence becomes a mindset, and you control your destiny. Instead of asking, “Why do I have to make this decision?,” you start saying, “What is the worst that can happen?!” It starts with having a well-thought out plan, the right resources and an enthusiasm to challenge the norm. It’s about visualizing what could be and setting goals to achieve that dream. It is having an answer for each barrier disguised as risk. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what, they haven’t planned for you. Not much.” — Jim Rohn If you don’t make a commitment to personal growth, you risk feeling regret because you had complete control, but you didn’t seize the opportunity and act. The old saying is so true: in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. Why put yourself in that position, when all it takes is the courage to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk? For some, this extremely difficult. Being vulnerable is exposing yourself for everyone to see, and it’s certainly not for everybody. However, if you want to create change, all you need is a few seconds of courage at the right moment for something amazing to happen. Bottom line, your will to succeed must be greater than your fear to fail.If you have a plan and a piece of it fails, it’s not a stop sign. It’s just a hint that you must find a new way to approach the barrier. Step out of the comfort zone and allow your voice to be louder than the one in your head telling you to slow down. Move forward to take the risk head on. Open yourself up to the vulnerability of establishing the new you. It is when you have that breakthrough that your real life begins. Instead of rerouting your journey as a result of adversity, you eliminate the barriers and move forward. It is one of the most rewarding feelings you will ever have. Take every chance. Drop every fear. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE MONTHLYLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?
✏ One Leadership Style You Must Know
I have an epiphany – that “a-ha” moment where something strikes you, and everything makes sense. For years I have researched about leadership; read books, watched videos, and listened to thought leaders explain precisely what characteristics define an effective and efficient leader. I have studied nearly every leadership style: the “Visionary,” “Autocratic,” “Laissez Fair,” “Pacesetter,” “Bureaucratic,” and “Transactional”. Each shares various elements with another, but they’re still unique and appropriate for different people and various situations. While I understood them, what confused me can all be summed up in a straightforward question. WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO MAKE LEADERSHIP SO DIFFICULT TO DEFINE? I believe there is one leadership style that encompasses the qualities and traits that serve as the foundation of any effective and efficient leader. Remember, to lead is to influence, to serve others; it’s not necessarily a singular focus on profitability while ignoring the efforts of those on the front line. I am not a Pollyanna — profitability is vital to the very existence of any business — but have I fear that we’ve lost touch with what this generation of aspiring leaders need most . . . CONNECTION. The only way to meet that need and be successful in the growth of others comes from one leadership style . . . SERVANT LEADERSHIP “The servant-leader is a servant first. It begins with a natural feeling that one wants to serve…as opposed wanting power, influence, fame, or wealth.” — Robert K. Greenleaf To make a positive impact on those you lead, an effective leader must establish trust and empathy. That leader must be authentic and sincere with a sense of gratitude toward the dedication and passion his or her subordinates exhibit. When describing a servant leader, words such as humble, self-aware, and stewardship are used. A strong servant leader takes a tremendous amount of pride in being a mentor, because they understand that their job is not to create more followers, but rather more leaders. Most professionals develop their leadership style as a result of their personalities. That works, except those who still feel as if manipulation, ego, and guilt are acceptable. Some leaders are still stuck in management by fear approach, instead of one based on respect. There are still far too many who rely upon title, authority, and rank to call themselves a leader. “The difference between effective and ineffective leaders is not — Todd Whitaker Employee attrition is an epidemic taking place that is entirely preventable. We just need to spend the appropriate amount of time training those in leadership positions to ensure they are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to lead. We pour money into elaborate training programs for our employees but fail to allocate those same resources for the people we empower to lead. Although I say “Servant Leadership” is the most effective, I want to be precise. I also subscribe to elements of Coaching, Visionary, and Transformational leadership, as well. I do so because they are so closely aligned to servant leadership. It’s adding that element of dedicating yourself to a purpose and coming to the realization that true fulfillment comes from helping others. That is the very essence of servant leadership. “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem — Sam Walton Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE MONTHLYLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
what they know, it is what they do.”
of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”
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✏ Press Forward
Average people will not be successful or effective leaders because they have no desire to press forward, pushing themselves to the point where innovation and breakthrough begin. Average people lack the tenacity and willingness to face challenging problems head-on. Average people understand that you cannot allow obstacles to change the course. ARE YOU AVERAGE? If you have accepted the challenge to lead others, you are not average. You have made a commitment to influence positively and achieve things more significant than yourself. This is why leadership is earned, not given. This is why leadership is a privilege. With any goal you want to reach, there will be opposition and adversity — and you have to be prepared to press forward to get through it. The slightest bit of doubt at any point in the mission can interfere with achieving your objectives. Champions know the climb to the top isn’t easy, but they plan for unexpected events. As a leader, you will need to press forward, and you must make quick decisions – but it needs to be the right decision. That intuition will come from experience and the confidence to act will come from passion. You will encounter those who are afraid to follow because it is outside their comfort zone, but that will be where your purpose and passion serve as the key to unlock their potential and elicit greatness out of them that they would not have otherwise even known they had. The path you charted may not be the actual one you take on your journey, there will be unexpected turns and challenges faced, but you must keep pressing forward. Do not ever give up on your dreams; live with the belief that everything is possible with the right mindset and motivation. “Keep pressing forward, never turn back! Nilufer Guney Your instincts should reflect your character – the very essence of who you are as a person. You are dedicated to being a leader who doesn’t create followers but more leaders. You take on the approach of a champion’s mentality in everything you do. This is called pride. It is the only way you operate, because you are working on creating a long-term legacy. You don’t really understand the concept of quitting, because that option should never enter your mind. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” you say, “how can I?” You should have the attitude of, “Here is the mountain, now let’s move it!” You should press forward each day with the same purpose and passion that lead you to your position of responsibility. “Whatever you’re facing today, keep going. Keep moving. Be like a clock on the wall, never moving backward, only forward. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE MONTHLYLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
Because the future is waiting while the past is gone.”
Keep hoping. There is a victory on the other side!”
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✏ Living An Infinite Life
Imagine life as a game of baseball. Picture the beautifully maintained green lawn, the smooth infield sand, and the perfectly chalked lines. As a fan, you take in this panoramic view of the baseball diamond and all of your stresses magically disappear. For the players, the ground they will battle is pristine and inspiring. As they cross the lines of the infield, they find themselves lost in the moment. There is a saying in sports that once you enter the field of play, and cross the line from the everyday world into the game, you leave all your worries behind and play for the love of the game. This is how the most successful athletes create a trigger for their mindset to kick in. Once they step on that field, they are in their world, and there are no distractions. Baseball would be called a “finite” experience. “Finite” is defined as having boundaries and can measured. Now, let’s discover a world of “infinite” experiences. “Infinite” is defined as something limitless or impossible to measure. There are no restrictions. Those that believe in this are the ones that tend to “think outside the box.” “To define yourself is to limit yourself. Without labels, you remain the infinite being.” — Deepak Chopra It is within this “infinite thinking” that breakthrough and innovation occur. Without a set of standards defining the boundaries of our imagination, the possibilities are limitless. We have the opportunity to defy all odds by pushing the envelope and getting comfortable being uncomfortable. It is within this space where leaders thrive, and their creativity and passion stand out because they feel completely free. It is easy to fall into the trap of living through policy and procedure manuals, protocols, flow charts, and traditional thinking – we all do it. However, as old as the saying goes, and it is so true – “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.” Sometimes, the only way you will set yourself apart as a leader is to kick the barriers down and starting asking “why.” You know you are on your way to something as soon as you hear the response, “That’s just how we’ve always done it.” That reply is your starting gun to be the one willing to take the extra step and jump off the cliff. There are no finish lines in life or business. We can always improve on something. There are opportunities all around us that don’t even involve critical thinking, just an awareness that they exist. Be open-minded and see everything in front of you so that you can explore and discover. Bring your teams into the discussions and teach them to go beyond expectations into a world where work becomes a passion. It is time to tear the walls down around you, and refuse to constrict yourself by a set of standards that society has arbitrarily developed and placed to enforce conformity. Don’t live finitely; step out of that space because you will not learn toughness in a comfortable environment.The only way you will grow is through a mindset of infinity, where innovation and breakthroughs are limitless, and you are in complete control. That is the life that you were meant to live. That is where complete fulfillment comes from, an expanding world of discovery and imagination where there is no finish line, but rather a never-ending realm of possibility. This is you, an idealist who can make an impact and do incredible things. “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be only afraid of standing still.” — Chinese Proverb Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE MONTHLYLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
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✏ Giving Back: the Spirit of Gratitude
I firmly believe that we are all born with a kind, giving heart. We start our lives with an innocent perception that the world can be anything we want it to be. It is said that we control our circumstances, but too many young children become a victim to their environment — they are not taught the lessons of life and how to cope. As those children grow older, they lack a sense of compassion and trust. But we shouldn’t be so quick to blame them. It reminds me of a saying my father had: “When the son swears, slap the father.” He had a keen sense of judgement and a patience in understanding the truth of a situation. If our society has changed that much, it is up to us to “unteach” these youth that position, and introduce them all life truly has to offer. My father also taught me that we are all here to do something, to give our gifts and God-given talents to the world. He firmly believed that developing a spirit of gratitude would make a difference in your life. The more you contribute, the more life takes on an entirely new meaning. When you give more of yourself, you are destined to receive more in return. However, it must be done with a kind, unselfish heart expecting nothing in return and that’s when but true fulfillment happens. As a leader, you set the example. When I use the word “leader”, I’m not talking about position, rank or authority; that is not a leader, but rather a manager. When I say “leader”, I am referring to one who influences. To the person who has the ability to elicit greatness out of others. In other words, they always put others before themselves in an effort to create more leaders. To contribute as a leader requires more than just your responsibilities within your career. You also have a responsibility to be a contributor to life and not withhold the gift you have been given. As hard as you work to empower others, you understand that giving back actually empowers you. It’s that drive that leads to happiness. And if you truly influence others, they too will model your behavior and realize that giving thanks creates power. It is within the ability to look beyond your own needs and recognize where you can make an impact that provide unmatched rewards in life. “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” — Henry David Thoreau Think of it as a circle. We are all there to pass our gift to the person on our right, and once they receive it, they pass their gift on to the next person. This momentum continues and positive change starts occurring because there are so many people keeping the flow going. However, all it takes is someone to receive — and not giving back to break that momentum. Too many people today are stopping the flow, and holding back as a result of their selfishness. They believe what is theirs is theirs and it is not their responsibility to be giving. In their mind, they earned it — as should everyone else. Until you consider being giving an obligation, you will continue to put it off. If you want to see the results of your efforts, you must start now. Expand the circle of momentum by stepping in with your arms open and passing something on. Put ego aside, become more vulnerable and express the greatest gift you have, and that is gratitude.You cannot evade your own greatness, give without expectation because life contributes back to you when you are generous with your gift. The more you give, the more your get. When you focus on gratitude, it expands. If you make it a part of your life, think of the influence you have as a leader to pass that gift on to so many others. Don’t hold back, what you give will always come back to you tenfold. Commit to being a contributor and you will experience happiness for the rest of your life. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE MONTHLYLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
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✏ True Fulfillment is a Journey
When we invest ourselves and commit to achieving our goals and dreams, it can be a long road — filled with the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. But if we stay the course and remain fearless, the gift of true fulfillment awaits. There is an undeniable satisfaction knowing that the outcome was born of the struggle to persevere, and never sacrifice our true self to being average. It’s a journey that those who are vulnerable, innovative, and willing to prove their true character by staying strong can achieve successes and discover the gifts they have to offer. “Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.” The most powerful obstacle in that journey will be your own ego. Will you base what and how you do things based on the opinions of others? Are you confident enough to stop chasing people who don’t support or appreciate you, but are the first to criticize? Most of us live right on the edge of our own capabilities, but won’t step outside that comfort zone due to insecurities. We allow those who settle for the status quo to hold us back from reaching our own potential, because they selfishly don’t want anyone to raise the bar. It’s called the comfort zone for a reason. It’s time to get comfortable being uncomfortable. To be fulfilled means that you’ve achieved something you desire. We all strive to live a fulfilled life; it’s the constant quest for growth, personal development and achievement that contribute to our happiness. The key is that you have to love yourself. It is the essence of confidence, being completely in control of your life and self-aware. You have to believe in one thing – yourself. Once you stop seeking approval from others, you become free. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. As a result, your voice of confidence becomes louder than the one in your head. You no longer allow circumstances to define who you are. You learn to overcome, because that is who you are. Through the journey, you discover an invincible you that knows you have to get comfortable with fear, because that is where the lessons live. Each time you hit a crossroad on this journey toward fulfillment, a new character trait will expose itself. You have to be open-minded and encourage change. With ambition comes innovation. One of those strengths you will develop is discipline, and through discipline, you will get things done. It will be discipline which creates habits; a tendency to respond to the same situation in a certain way. When you face adversity, the discipline you’ve gained will come into play to determine if you are on course, or need to make adjustments. Patience will always be your ally. Knowing that anything worth achieving takes time is the foundation. Those that don’t have patience are always looking for the finish line. What they can’t comprehend is that there isn’t a finish line; we are always climbing the mountain. You must be not only skilled, but perseverant and consistent, because the journey is a marathon, not a sprint. And when we reach the summit, it only provides a better view to the next mountain. Instead of losing our motivation at that pinnacle, the view atop that mountain provides us with a sense of confidence to continue to the journey. “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the — Andy Rooney Dream big and never lose the excitement of the journey, because if you think about it, the journey is the destination! Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing.”
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✏ Eight to Great: the Steps to Greatness
If you want to chase greatness, you must first understand that there is no finish line. We never truly master a skill — we only continue to hone it. Records are broken all the time, new advances are made, technology is surpassed, and our creativity continues to amaze. “Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and — William Shakespeare The key to this ongoing pursuit is a never-ending sense of curiosity and the willingness to go beyond being comfortable. You become so motivated by a vision that isn’t even tangible yet, but you want to move the needle and ask “why not?” It is having the confidence that you can climb the mountain without knowing how high it is. The thing is, nobody ever gets dropped off at the top of the mountain — everyone has to climb it. There are no shortcuts, but there will definitely be obstacles all throughout the journey. You will fail. You will fail often. Make failure your education. Make adversity your oxygen. Turn “I think” into “I will.” Allow your strength to lie within your perception of success. “There is no try; there is only do or not do.” — Yoda Let’s first define success. Success is an ongoing process of becoming. It is a constantly active process of achievement towards a purpose. It is based on outstanding performance and the ability to impact, innovate or break through a barrier. Success in and of itself takes patience. It will include leaps and bounds, but the most important steps you will make in your journey will come as a result of the details you discover along the way that give you the competitive advantage. It will result in complete self-awareness of you are – or better yet, who you aspire to be. What is not the equivalent to success? Money. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one equals the other. If your objective in being successful is to simply to be wealthy, you might as well quit reading this. There is no substance to the equation and your journey will be short-lived without purpose. “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” — Dwayne Johnson Greatness is a clearly defined mission and vision that will lead toward success and a fulfilled life. When you have the ability to innovate and create breakthroughs in the service of something bigger than yourself, then you earn the respect of others through your character and integrity. Greatness is . . . IMPACT CHANGE POSITIVITY A WORTHY GOAL The amazing thing about greatness is that every person has the chance to achieve it, but it requires hard work and perseverance. Some will never achieve it — for numerous reasons — because it is not just given, but earned. Here are eight things to focus on as you create a mindset of greatness: THE EIGHT TO GREAT Your life deserves a concentrated effort to succeed. You owe that to yourself, because what is the benefit if you are not living your dreams? You get one life — make the absolute most of it! Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
others have greatness thrust upon them.”
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✏ IMPACT: 10 Ways a Leader Can Have It
Good leaders change habits. Imagine not caring what day of the week it is because you love what you do. Having those you lead strive to become better and use your example and actions as a goal. Being trusted by those around you to guide and mentor them as they grow through challenges and obstacles. Most importantly, making a genuine impact on something bigger than yourself, that has the ability to affect others long after you. One day you will just be a memory to some people. The pursuit of being a great leader is the most rewarding journey you will ever take. If you are focused, determined, and willing to become a person of influence through your character and integrity, you will be on a path of self-fulfillment while at the same time, embracing your passion and purpose. HERE ARE TEN WAYS THAT A GREAT LEADER CAN MAKE AN IMPACT: Always remember, leadership is a privilege, and the ability to make an impact a responsibility. It is not given nor based on rank, authority or position. There may be “managers” who have that role, but a real leader earns respect and trust by consistent positive action and example. They take pride in their role and lead with a servant’s heart and a dedication to elicit the greatness within everyone they work with. As the saying goes, “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.” You should listen more than you talk. Look a person in the eyes. Don’t interrupt, shake your head or say disparaging words under your breath. You can solve most problems without any action at all if you simply willing to listen with empathy and understanding. Above all, put your phone away so you won’t be tempted to glace at it if a text comes through. Why be somebody else when you are the best version of you? Each of us have a unique set of traits and characteristics that set us apart. Most want to “blend in” for the sake of acceptance, but you have to be true to yourself if you are to ever have a solid sense of self-awareness. Knowing who you are starts with who you aren’t. Once you distinguish who you aren’t, spend time building those positive attributes that set you apart from the pack. There is no greater joy to be shared than when gratitude becomes a priority. We all have the opportunity to show our gratitude for what we have, and to ensure we never take our own blessings for granted. The chance to show our gratitude usually presents itself in the most mundane circumstances, but it is having a clear vision to recognize the chance to show it that makes the biggest impact. Don’t ever wait to show gratitude, and make it a habit. We dwell on yesterday and worry about tomorrow, not recognizing the gift we have of the present. Be where your feet are and take the blinders off to recognize the here and now. Far too often we become so consumed with the outcome, that we lose perspective of the process. That journey toward the objective is where all the lessons are learned. Live each day to the fullest and don’t wish time away. Life is far too short. There is no better way to build strong, independent, and courageous leaders than to act as a mentor to those who show the willingness and passion to influence. If you are successful, I guarantee someone helped you get there. Mentors are trusted advisors — you need to have one and be one. If you love what you do and treat each day as its own unique opportunity, what you feel inward will be portrayed outward. Express the passion you have in everything you do. From the small things to the important tasks you encounter each day, approach it with a vigor that is recognized by all. The effect of positivity is contagious; set the example and live it. Life is all about passing gratitude and joy to others. No matter how rich, or poor, educated or not, we are all born with a kind heart. Paying it forward simply means that you have experienced kindness by another and you are responding by being kind to another. Imagine a world where we all place an emphasis on paying it forward; it would eliminate so much stress and anger. There are more opinions than just your own. Strong leaders yearn to listen to new ideas and thoughts. They firmly believe that everyone has the ability to become an innovator and discover breakthroughs so they are always listening with an open mind. It’s extremely rare to hear of a solo success story, there are always others involved and most of the creativity most likely came from each person being open-minded. Once you discover your purpose, your why, your passion, the realm of opportunities are limitless. Find what drives you and you will uncover the version of you that was meant to make a difference and create a legacy. Your happiness will allow you to step outside your comfort zone without hesitation. This simple action puts you in a position to create change and be a difference maker who creates impact. True fulfillment always comes from helping others. Each of us have a leader within, we just need to discover what it is. Once that greatness shows itself, chase it with everything you have and dedicate yourself to making an impact. It is what legacies are made of, and what better way to be remembered! Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
Great leaders change lives.
Do your best to be a good one!
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✏ 5 Strategies to Avoid Burnout
Lately, I have made a concentrated effort to incorporate the appropriate skills, resources and behaviors necessary to not only lead with positive influence, but to be successful in my pursuits as well. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day focus on improving everything around us, yet never looking in the mirror to take care of the most important priority of all — ourselves. If we lose our energized, positive attitude and ability to persevere, we risk ruining everything we have built. But after an extended period of time not putting ourselves first, the inevitable result is burnout. “Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.” — Michael Gungor Organizations are facing an employee burnout crisis. A recent Gallup study of nearly 7,500 full-time employees found that 23% of employees reported feeling burned out at work very often or always, while an additional 44% reported feeling burned out sometimes. That means about two-thirds of full-time workers experience burnout on the job. The fact is, regardless of role within the organization, burnout will lead to decreased productivity, frustration with projects, peers and management, and an increase in paid time off. It has become such an epidemic that the World Health Organization officially recognizes “Burnout” as a medical diagnosis. All of us are working to be recognized, often to the point of exhaustion. The work week was once considered to be forty hours, but now, with so many people on salary, it is not unusual to find companies expecting at least 60 hours a week out of their employees. We go to great lengths to gain acceptance and approval, so not only is our work competitive, but our commitment – which is judged by time spent – has now become a factor in evaluating the successes of individuals in the workplace. Work-related stress and pressure are unavoidable in most workplaces. We have now accepted this pressure, even managing subordinates to see just how much they can handle, without any regard for their input. The problem is, the pressure becomes so excessive that it results in stress. Stress does so much damage to an individual — yet too many companies have adopted a mindset that self-care is selfish. According to the American Institute of Stress, as it relates to the workplace: source: The good news is, burnout is preventable. But it requires an effort to recognize the symptoms early and take action without feeling guilty for putting yourself first. You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” To give your best, you must be at your best and you’ll have the ability to maintain a healthy, successful career. It’s time to be proactive, not reactive! “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” — Lou Holtz We all only have 24 hours in a day, so find the best way to optimize that time to create balance for the priorities in life – including yourself! Whether it’s through establishing a few goals to achieve each day, To-Do lists, learning to say “no”, evaluating your meeting schedule or setting hard goals on what time you arrive and depart from the workplace, take control and make it a habit. There was a reason why you started working there; take time to rediscover your purpose and what your original goals were when you began. You may have to ask yourself some tough questions; it is possible that you have either outgrown your environment or need new challenges. That is all part of the journey toward fulfillment — but without a clear purpose, you’re traveling the road without a map. Once you find your purpose again, you will operate with a clear mindset and find the joy in what you do. This will be the most difficult strategy because it will feel very uncomfortable at first. However, it is critical if you are working toward decreasing the stress and feelings of being overwhelmed that you have each day. Start small — maybe you say no to a meeting that you aren’t necessarily involved in. This task may require you to meet one-on-one with your supervisor and discuss your workload. Don’t say what you think they want to hear; be vulnerable and honest. Find a way to achieve a win-win while not sacrificing your stress level. You can always count on exercise as a way to relieve stress. Escape — if only for thirty minutes a day — while at the same time putting in work for a healthier mind and body. We all have excuses, but if you sit down and evaluate where you spend your time each day, I’ll bet you could carve out thirty minutes somewhere. It’s both a short and long-term strategy for success. I know, it’s easier said than done, but you need to put the research into how you can better manage your stress. Remember, stress is what happens in the short-term before the burnout occurs. Get a hold of the stress early, and you will avoid burnout.This could include meditation, yoga, taking a ten minute break every hour to just walk outside, or go fill up your water bottle and say hello to your coworkers. When you get home, develop a routine to let work go. When you charge your phone before you go to bed at night, don’t do it on your night stand, put it in another room and don’t check it until right before you are heading to work. Take back your control. Find the trigger that indicates your point of excess, and act upon it without guilt or a loss of pride. In the end, you won’t be remembered for your last project. Your legacy will be born from your character, integrity and impact you made to make the world a better place. It all starts and ends with you. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #ChargeUp #patience #prevent #success #leadership #RaiseTheBar RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
Here are five specific strategies to help you avoid burnout:
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✏ The Power of One Leader
As we approach Charge Up’s first anniversary on July 11(!), I’d like to offer a few reflections on what’s at the heart of what we do . . . Why me? Why Charge Up? Why now? IF YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AS IF EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU . . . I’ve been blessed to have so many people in my life who were willing to take the time to invest, inspire, motivate, empower, teach and push me to become successful and as a result, I want to pay it forward. Those lessons weren’t meant to keep to myself, but to share with the right intention and motivation. Charge Up was built on the foundation of a very important person in my life, my late father, Vic Pisano. He was a “Servant Leader” before it became a thing. He was the epitome of empathy, integrity, character, passion and motivation. Questions I’ve been asked… Why me? I was taught that leadership and success isn’t a secret code, it’s wisdom that’s meant to be shared. Why Charge Up? A platform like that anyone can access is how I can share. Why now? Gratitude is key, and by taking the baton and continuing my dad’s legacy, I can uncover the GREAT in people. I’m in an amazing place in my life, that’s not an accident. I’ve already gained more than I have given. The world needs more leaders who understand the gift they have and the value they can bring: they need to be responsible to pass that knowledge on, and accountable for how they do it. Leadership is about more than “you”. Somebody believed in you; now it’s your turn to reciprocate. Be a part of the solution. It’s time to turn the tables. THE POWER OF ONE LEADER. I’m motivated to be part of the “community” that contributes, the “thought leaders” who inspire, the “innovators” who create, the “selfless” who make the impact, the “optimist” who brings joy and the “realist” who brings the truth. I commit to contributing to the momentum that others before me have set. As long as one person is listening, following, reading and being inspired, then I have done my job. It’s a simple philosophy… THE POWER OF ONE LEADER. If you can change the thought pattern, and inspire or motivate just one person, imagine how many lives that one person can change in the course of their own lives. And here’s the kicker — you never know who that one person is. “To the world, you might just be one person. But to that one person, you may be the world.” — Dr. Seuss No more “what if”, “I should have”, “if only”, “I remember when”, “why can’t” or “we needed to”. Those are excuses, not solutions; phrases that will lead to regret as you get older. You’re better than that, you have the ability to do great things. Be prepared: this journey will require patience, sacrifice, persistence and belief. It will come with challenges, barriers, excuses, negativity and disappointment — because nothing worth having comes easy. I want to challenge you to think. . . Imagine a world where people accept fear, and stop. Where people who tried to challenge themselves can’t find an answer, and quit. Where those with strategy have no passion. Where leaders don’t have followers. You are the POWER OF ONE LEADER. You have the ability to make a difference. Look deep within yourself and discover your passion, that will lead to your purpose. Be the impact — even if it’s just under your own roof. Positivity and change are not defined by the numbers you affect, but rather the impact you bring. We all start small, build the foundation and as long as we are taking small steps forward, we are progressing. As long as we have momentum, we will grow. As long as we operate off integrity and character, we will make a difference. So -— why you? Why now? WE ARE THE POWER OF ONE LEADER! Make a difference today. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #legacy #hero #chargeup #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #strongleader #patience #leadershipjourney #resilience #failure #success #moveforward #adversity #areyouready #leadandfollow #mentorship #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?
✏ What Success Looks Like
We live in exciting times — the rapid advancements and the use of technology have evened the playing field for the start-up business vs. the major corporations to market their products and services. No longer are major production crews necessary for commercials, marketing or media. There’s an app for that! For the aspiring entrepreneur and ambitious leader, anything is possible in today’s world. But what does success look like — really? “PERCEPTION” OF SUCCESS: You see them walking from their mansion to their museum garage filled with exotic sports cars, or gingerly pulling up in their Bentley, flat brim cap on with the stickers still on it, at the private airfield next to their G6 for the cameras to catch them shaking the pilot’s hand and boarding their jet for the next adventure in their perfect life. They look right into the camera and tell you that just one year ago they were just like you, struggling to pay the bills and trying to find a way to capitalize on their marketing talents. Now, they are millionaires, and they want to help you achieve the American dream. Generous of them, right? Time to break the bad news, this is the “perception” part. Don’t fall victim to an over-saturated market of alluring ads all over social media where everyday people “just like you” can make millions overnight by simply following somebody’s sure-fire formula for success. Newsflash: the only ones getting rich quick are the ones selling you their books, courses and online programs. If it were that easy, it wouldn’t be a secret. But amazingly, people still go deep into their website (and eventually their wallets) to learn more. Each new web page builds your confidence until finally, you’re inspired enough to bet your savings on these snake oil salesmen. Why do they need to park four Lamborghinis in their driveway and walk past each one while talking? Why not just do the sales pitch in a studio? They are marketing directly to the millennial who wants to see the material gratification of success. They deliver reinforcement to their audience that they are just as entitled as the next guy to earn easy money, and lots of it. You want to get rich quick? Play the lottery. Even doing that, your odds are approximately 292,000,000 to 1. But hey, somebody’s got to win, right? Here’s the real winning tip: the reality of being successful lies in one secret that we all have the ability to access at absolutely no cost . . . HARD WORK There is no substitute for hard work — it is the foundation of every success story. THE “REALITY” OF SUCCESS: Unfortunately the pitch for reality isn’t as exciting as perception, unless you thrive on the challenge of success. Fortunately, the aspiring and tenured leader completely understands the rules of reality and is willing to invest themselves completely in the process as opposed to a pipe dream. That investment starts with a strong foundation of integrity and character. Those two traits alone will carry you through the challenges you face as you gain experience through hard work, sacrifice, overcoming barriers, and experiencing failures, while taking those small steps forward that are absolutely necessary on the journey toward the ultimate pinnacle – earned success. You earn your stripes along the way as a result of your courage, braveness and abundance of confidence to inspire and empower others to follow your clear vision to achievement. Success should never correlate itself with riches. True success associates itself directly with your legacy. You are the only person that can write that story, and each page should be filled with adventures, not images of possessions. Look at it this way, if these overnight success stories were true entrepreneurs, wouldn’t they be savvy investors, as well? I can’t imagine an infomercial with Warren Buffett or Elon Musk in their vintage t-shirt, jeans and sandals walking down a driveway that looks like a car dealership. IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS! Leadership is a privilege. Go do great things today – earn it – and go make a difference. Venture + Lead + Prosper VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #chargeup #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #fail #learnfromfailure #bounceback #failure #success #moveforward #patience #change #venture #lead #prosper #empower #motivate #inspire #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility #ambition #action #stepforward #norgerets #comfortzone #chances RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
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✏ Why Be Average
When it comes to averages, I believe they should apply only to data, not to people. Far too often, mediocrity is being celebrated. Nobody wants to put in the work and exceed expectations because it involves too much time and effort. They want to know what the average is, and work from there to set a baseline. What does average mean? When evaluating “average,” it is the median value in a set of data. The middle. Ordinary. Common. In school, if your grades are average, then half the class has higher grades, and half the class has lower grades. Fast-forward to your job and look at it a little differently. When you go into your manager’s office for your annual review and your overall performance is “average”, do you think management will be motivated to consider you for growth opportunities or even a raise? “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Let’s talk about the law of averages fallout that’s concerning: – In a recent study of 24 – 54 year-olds on the subject of donating your time or money, 61% of the participants felt that when you give something, you should receive something in return. – A recent study done via social media by the University of Colorado sampled over 10,000 people, asking them if opinions on social media influence their decision-making on relevant issues, including deduction, perception, and consequences. Instead of relying upon deductive reasoning, 43% of those questioned said that they lean toward popular opinion. It’s frustrating me that independent thought, rational decision making, proper planning, and innovative perspective are fading away. Popular opinion and instant gratification have begun to replace some within the majority who choose to never settle for capacity within their lives as they pursue a life of fulfillment. I am a firm believer that nobody tells you what your “average” needs to be — because you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. It is your responsibility to set goals to exceed that average. “Not settling is all about handing people back their invitations to the average life. Sorry, I’m going to have to decline.” — Myleik Teele How can you avoid the trap to be average? Here are five ways that you can take control and live the life you deserve to live: That means you need to take complete control of your life and start thinking for yourself. Don’t allow popular opinion to persuade you if your moral compass tells you otherwise. Build a mindset that becomes impermeable to outside influence, and instead creates confident, impactful reasoning that displays character and integrity. Life is too short. Make an effort to act upon the things in your life that bring you happiness and make an impact on others. Regret is an entirely controllable emotion; don’t procrastinate. Too many people live a life of regret because they were never comfortable being uncomfortable or taking chances. We all have one — what is yours? Don’t expect an invitation or instructions on this one; you have to follow your heart to discover what it is that makes you tick. Identify the thing or things that allow you to be you in such a way that everyone around you becomes a better person as a result of your attitude. Learn as much as you possibly can about what the life you want to live and invest in it. Let your passion become your purpose and the word “average” will never be used when describing you. People change, circumstances change, conditions change; and so should our perspective. At times, you may become so narrowly focused that you lose perspective. You fail to identify things right in front of you because you don’t listen to reason, have productive dialogue or are just too stubborn to change. The only constant in life is change — and with change comes perspective. Embrace it and thrive. Similar to perspective, you only grow if you are willing to invest. That means to have a thirst for knowledge and expand your views as often as possible. You have infinite resources through technology to discover answers to our questions in an instant. Learn things outside your interest. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Successful people don’t establish a capacity; they are always looking to lead a more fulfilled life. Become consumed with the possibilities and the drive to never to give up growth. When you realize the opportunities above the line, you will become motivated by the fear of being average. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #chargeup #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #patience #change #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humilty RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
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✏ What’s Really Important: Process vs Outcome
I remember it vividly. I was in the process of putting together our yearly business plan for my team before our National Meeting. I had invested three months of researching analytics, trends, input from my team, goals for the division and my personal experiences with what I felt would be a test of effort, perseverance, and commitment to achieve our goals. In most cases, I have about four hours to present it to the president of the division and other senior leadership. Once approved, the entire division gathers at the National Meeting shortly after, and I only have a few days to sell it to my team to gain total buy-in and commitment. However, this time there was a longer gap between the approval of the plan and the actual meeting; about a month. During that time, as I was putting my final slides together, I came to a realization that this process had become so routine and centered around only one thing – our yearly quota. Love the process and the grind as much as the results. I challenged myself to think outside the box and discover a new way to present this plan without feeling like I’m “selling it.”. I wanted to gain engagement and trust from the team for them to feel they were genuinely vested, and a part of the PROCESS as opposed to only being judged on the OUTCOME. From experience, I always felt that growth, empowerment, and confidence came from the process itself. It was all of the small wins that built the real success at the end of the year. I valued that time because it exposed my ability to handle both success and failure. It allowed me to either utilize my skills to grow or sharpen them as I became more self-aware in the process. At that point in my career, I had been in the same industry for about 15 years, and I’d always felt like that a sales quota defined me, and those I led. In my opinion, I was doing a disservice as a leader focusing on an arbitrary goal (the number) instead of the tangible qualities of my abilities, as well as those leaders within my own team. “I am a series of small victories and large defeats, and I am as amazed — Chuck Bukowksi, Poet & Novelist We are at the National Meeting, and once we broke out into our respective teams, it was time to put my experiment into action. I applied something that I’ve done for 10 years that was a result of a book that somebody gave me as a gift. It’s by Jon Gordon, and it’s called “One Word That Will Change Your Life.” It’s a simple concept, you pick one word that can guide your decisions, mindset, attitude, direction, moral compass. Here’s the thought process behind it: LESS IS BEST, SIMPLE IS POWERFUL Dim the lights, start the power point and let them see the first slide. You know, it became so routine, we were all like Pavlov’s dogs expecting the same thing – that slide to show the quota for the year. Instead, I decided to change things up from the traditional format. My first slide said: PERSPECTIVE. “The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. — Chris Pine The group was so confused, they kept asking me what the goal was. Even their rhetoric proved my point. They were asking what “THE” goal was – as in a singular purpose, that dang quota! I went around the table, and I asked them, “What was last year’s number?“ They all knew it because we not only achieved the goal, we exceeded it by double digits — which means they got an additional kicker on their bonus, so the answers came quickly and with smiles on their faces. I then asked them, “What example can you provide me off the top of your head – as quickly as you told me the net sales – that stood out to you about one person on the team you lead, who not only improved but developed skills that contributed to our success?” I waited a few seconds and said: “time’s up.” Of course, they complained, but my point was made. My perception was that there was more pride in the number than there was in the people who achieved it. As a leader, that’s not on them. That’s on me. My father had a saying that I tend to overuse, but it applies to so many situations. He would say, “When the son swears, slap the father.” In other words, don’t be so quick to point the finger before you look in the mirror. In this case, the burning question was “Have we lost the value and importance of the team that commits and contributes to our goals every day in the field?” THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT ASSET. I said, “Here is how we are going to start this meeting. You have one hour, to come up with one word that will define your goals this year that isn’t associated with the quota. One word that can provide clarity and guide your decisions, mindset, attitude, direction, moral compass.” I explained, “I take this very seriously, so don’t just throw something out there without thought because the word you choose will stick with you for the next 11 months, every day. If you give me a word that I don’t feel fits your personality or management style, we will just take more time trying to figure it out.” Now understand, I wasn’t treating them disrespectful, or as children; some of these people had been under my leadership for a long time. They knew me, and I knew them. There was a bond of trust between this particular team that made us unique. We had a mantra, “Play hard, work harder.” After an hour, I asked each of them to stand in front of the team and tell us their word, being as specific as they could. I also asked if they would provide the reasoning they choose that particular word and how they intended to be held accountable for it. What was funny was that a few of them said, “When we are done, are you going to tell us the number?” They laughed, and I did on the outside, as well, but internally, I realized that this was going to be a huge responsibility for me because I needed to change their mindset. The good news is everybody had some great words . . . PRESENT BALANCE PASSION TENACITY LOVE EMPATHETIC DRIVE CULTURE Their definitions, explanations, and application were spot on! When the exercise was complete, I asked that they get their computers out. I asked them to go to their email and open their “signatures” in Outlook. Once they did, I asked them to please put that word below your name in all caps and bold. I asked that they talk with their respective team and explain the rationale and the exercise we just completed. Share with them why you choose that word and tell them that you need their assistance to hold you accountable for it. Moving forward, I asked that every time they put an email together for distribution or were responding to another person, read it before you send it. Were they conveying the intent and meaning of your one word in that communication? I told them that when I read each of your emails, I will do so with a new perspective this year. I want to challenge you to not just write it down and talk about it. I want to see action. Even if it takes you away from the objective at hand, it doesn’t matter because we will still win in the long term. I then asked, “What do you think I mean when I say long term?” It was quiet for a second, then I heard a voice…” our quota.” She said it without any doubt in her mind. She got it! I said, “EXACTLY!” We were so focused on the GOAL that we were missing out on the excitement of the PROCESS. We became obsessed with a number instead of obsessed with our people. I told them, “I am as guilty as each of you, and I apologize for that. I haven’t been doing my job and that I would change along with them.” WE ESTABLISHED A NEW MINDSET. Somebody asked me, what’s your word? I said, AMPLIFY. I want to AMPLIFY my commitment I want to AMPLIFY my gratitude I want to AMPLIFY my empathy I want to AMPLIFY my relationships I want to AMPLIFY my health I said, “If you focus on that one word, live it every day, guide your team with passion and empowerment, you will hit the number. It will be the OUTCOME of a successful process.” What followed was the infamous slide with one number on it. I asked them if their perspective was a little bit different. They all nodded. . . . . . . So now I want to challenge you. Are you willing to approach your objectives a little differently this year, or a particular goal? Can you commit some time to find that one word that will be clear to you in guiding your decisions, mindset, attitude, direction, and moral compass? Remember: LESS IS BEST, SIMPLE IS POWERFUL Do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #chargeup #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #patience #change #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humilty RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
as any other that I have gotten from there to here.”
You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.”
The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?
✏ Grow Like the Bamboo
GROWTH. It is something we all strive to achieve. We look for growth in so many areas of our life: personal, spiritual, relationship, and career. I tend to be realistic when discussing growth because the speed of technology has put us in a position where we lack the skills to develop our sense of patience and no longer respect the process. We live in a society of instant gratification; however, some things can’t be rushed. Success is like Rome — it wasn’t built in a day. Nor was it ever intended to be. “Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave — Joyce Meyer When I talk about success, I am talking about achieving your purpose. It goes back to growth, finding your true meaning in life whether personal, spiritual, relationship or career and building it to prosper, as well as sustain adversity. Real growth will require work. It will demand the best out of you every day. You will be responsible for your own integrity, morals, values, and perseverance to establish as a foundation for a fulfilled growth to actually occur. Once this is formed, your individual character is displayed. It is done so because what we believe and is passionate about “inward” will be displayed “outward,” and that is why others can sense the type of person we are from our words and actions. There is a parable about the Chinese Bamboo Tree that explains the lessons of growth through patience, faith, and perseverance. No different than any other plant, the Chinese Bamboo Tree requires the perfect conditions: water, fertile soil, and sun. What is distinctly different, however, is after one year, there is no sprouting. The second year passes, and there is still no visible activity. The third year looks no different than the first two. The fourth year arrives, and the farmer sees nothing. One would expect despair, frustration, or anger. But to grow the Chinese Bamboo Tree, one must be patient, because it is in the fifth year that the miracle of growth begins, and in a radical way. The farmer has nurtured this plant for four years, investing time, resources, money and most of all, patience, in not rushing the outcome, but rather respecting the process. The rewards are amazing. The Chinese Bamboo Tree will grow up to 80 feet in just six weeks! Numerous culms, or small hollow shoots, will grow in an entire field. Four years of being stagnant only to flourish in the fifth year? How is that possible? We tend to judge growth by what is visible and tangible, but does all growth show outwardly? We may spend years developing a skill that is not necessarily one that is required in our current environment, but we are building ourselves up for success in the future. Think about things like integrity, character, knowledge, faith, perseverance, gratitude — all of these are traits that require the same nurturing process of the Chinese Bamboo Tree. That tree didn’t lie dormant for four years. Below the soil was an explosion of roots growing wide and deep, capable of supporting its outward growth once it sprouts. “Without patience, we will learn less in life. We will see less. We will feel less. We will hear less. Ironically, rush and more usually mean less.” — Mother Theresa The lesson lies in patience. When are you building your dreams, goals, and purpose, you must have the patience to overcome the adversity, barriers, fear, and doubt that will accompany the process. The Chinese Bamboo Tree requires a stable base of roots to sustain its height and weight; imagine if it did grow after just one year. The first strong wind of the season would destroy the entire crop. The same goes for each of us as we build our character. We can look for shortcuts and excuses to portray a person who is prepared, but unable to sustain the confidence that they start with. Or, we can trust the process, stay in the present, develop ourselves and grow through experience and lessons learned to and establish our own roots. Remember, what we establish inwardly will be exposed outwardly. If you live by the mantra, “Fake it until you make it”, I have bad news for you — you will never make it. Personal growth is not natural; it takes time, focus and a commitment to better ourselves. It is a slow process — in some cases, we won’t see the results immediately, but anything earned is worth it in the long run. If you are willing to be patient and persistent, I assure you the reward will far outweigh the investment. Too often people allow “the process” to frustrate them to the point that they want to move on to where “the grass is greener.” Whether it is a relationship, a job, a team, or school, if we don’t get what we want now, then it’s on to the next. “Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.” — Ray Davis Success is easily defined – it is a series of small steps forward. It isn’t leaps and bounds. If you are committed to this process of growth, and if you respect the investment of time and patience, you will develop leadership qualities which will be displayed and reinforced by your confidence, character, and understanding of what it takes to be successful. Growth is not associated with luck. Growth is an outcome of becoming comfortable stepping outside your comfort zone with a passion and zest to be the best you possible. Do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #chargeup #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #patience #change #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humility RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
while we we’re waiting.”
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✏ Table for One
In the quest to become a successful leader, certain lessons along the way come as a surprise to some. You are confident in your education, have built skills around your strengths, have developed strong relationships with your mentors, have led by example and you have respected the process of perseverance and patience. In other words, you have earned the opportunity and privilege to lead. “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.” What you can’t prepare for is how lonely leadership actually can be. In times of adversity, standing your ground for what may be perceived as unpopular opinion will define your character. It may also be intentionally lonely if you sincerely treasure the role because your goal is to always allow your team to be in the spotlight. Whether it is adversity or by plan, it can catch a new leader off guard until they experience it firsthand. It is an extremely valuable lesson, one that over time will build you and your reputation as an effective, respected, and trusted leader. Don’t let this deter you from your goals if you have a desire to lead, it will be the most rewarding experiences of your life. To be the lead in representing a culture of values and integrity with a team of eager, enthusiastic and committed people is a privilege. To witness the dynamics of a team’s chemistry work; to put a vision into reality and see those you support grow and prosper into their own is fascinating to witness. In other words, the most rewarding aspect for a leader is to develop other leaders and witness their success. This is your primary job, preparing others for success through connection, inspiration and clear and concise plan of development. What I have personally found in my own leadership journey is that sitting at a table for one is not always a bad thing. Being selfless and praising those who are committed to the big picture should become your routine. Timing is everything, knowing when to teach and when to praise is critical. Giving the proper attention to each is imperative. The bigger the team, the more effort it will require on your part to find a connection with each member of your team. Gone are the days of “cookie cutter” leadership. Effective leaders don’t cast a net — they have a personal touch for the individual, and focus on the respective development based on the respective strengths their team members hold. The behaviors you model will determine the results. In other words, it is not just your responsibility to lead effectively. It is your obligation. Go do great things today and make a difference. VENTURE + LEAD + PROSPER Humbled to lead, #chargeup #lessonsinleadership #leadership #lead #process #patience #change #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #motivate #beyou #gratitude #integrity #starttoday #humilty RECEIVE MY FREE WEEKLY E-BLAST, THE WIRE ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at or visit our website at
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