✏ Microwaving Briskets: A Lesson in Patience

Remember when patience was a virtue? 

Patience is no longer a behavior showing high moral standards, but rather, it has become a struggle to instill this lost trait into people who want it all — and want it now. In an age of instant gratification, people are falling prey to snake oil salesman promising them overnight success.

The self-improvement industry is now a $10 billion niche. Through audiobooks, infomercials, self-improvement books, self-improvement apps, personal coaching, motivational speakers, and certification courses, Americans are looking for the opportunity to grow their skills and improve their advantage. If this continues, this new generation of leaders will be more prepared than ever to make an impact.

“Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things.”

Janette Oke

However, all it takes is a few minutes scrolling through social media to see that a minority have chosen to exploit people. Witness the “get rich quick” videos that promote a 24-7-365 lifestyle that results in Lamborghinis, private jets and mansions with ocean views. All you need to do is enroll in their program, sign all the legal paperwork, and trust the young entrepreneur with the $20,000 watch, big smile and testimonials from all his friends who are in their 20’s and have gained membership into the top 1% of richest people in America.

The path of patience, however, is a result of a few critical ingredients: experience, wisdom, and failure. The stepping stones to success lie within the adversity we face. To fail is to learn. Innovation and breakthrough include trial and error — and that journey requires time and patience. The gifts that come out of that investment are wisdom and experience.

When you have the opportunity to grow and see the results of each step you take toward your goals, you learn to appreciate planning and patience.

“Patience is more than simply learning to wait. It is having learned what is worth your time.”

JM Storm

Life happens in the small moments.

Learning to live in the moment and not be so obsessed with outcomes is key to fulfillment. It’s about trusting the process. It’s been said numerous times — nobody gets dropped off at the top of the mountain; they have to make the journey step by step. Discover the joy in the actual journey. Embrace every emotion along the way because you will face adversity, criticism, negativity, and setbacks. But you will also experience the highest of highs with your accomplishments and those who believe in you.

Being a true Texan, let me provide you the best example of the rewards of patience. Would you put a brisket in the microwave, or choose to put it on a smoker for 5-6 hours? I’ve cooked enough briskets in my lifetime to tell you there is nothing better than the wait, knowing that the effort you’re investing will be worth every minute when you pull that brisket off the pit.

“Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.”

Guy Kawaski

The challenges of impatience have been around forever. When you commit to hard work and perseverance, patience will pay off, and you will live a more fulfilled life based on high moral excellence. If shortcuts worked, everyone would take them.

Stay patient, stay positive and work hard.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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©2020 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2020 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Microwaving Briskets: A Lesson in Patience
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✏ The Truth about the Truth

To lead the way, you have to set the example. An effective leader is a trusted leader. It is a person who values the importance of transparency and is willing to make the investment in treating others with respect and trust. Honesty is the core of leadership — and without that integrity, you will not last long. What used to be a valued characteristic is now something that leaders struggle with.

How did this epidemic sneak up on us?

It happened because of the tremendous pressure we continue to put on leaders to accomplish their objectives, at any or all costs. The burdens are felt at every level of management, and as the saying goes, “shit rolls downhill.” We work incredibly hard to be innovative in creating a vision and mission that gains buy-in from the employees. However, increasing revenue and productivity goals are not enough. We now live in an era of establishing stretch goals to meet the expectations of shareholders, only to have to make adjustments mid-year when we don’t trend toward those promises.

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”

Spencer Johnson

Now, we are forced to work harder with less. Budgets are cut, hiring freezes are enacted, and quotas are increased. The target is now drilled in and expected to be achieved at all costs. It’s those three words that can change the core of an effective leader into becoming one who is now concerned about the security of their own job.

At. All. Costs.

In a survey of over 100,000 people, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of the book, The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, found that the most valued leadership quality by far is honesty, at 89%. You can risk losing everything simply by sacrificing your integrity to achieve your individual goals.

You cannot expect loyalty when you don’t provide honesty.

However, place value in your honesty as a leader, and you have the tremendous opportunity to gain a workforce who becomes more satisfied in their job, less likely to complain, and willing to go above and beyond to exceed expectations based on the pride they take in their role. All it requires is a deliberate attempt to be transparent, even if it means you have to share the good, the bad and the ugly. If those you lead understand the playing field and the adversity they can anticipate, nobody is caught off guard when times get tough.

“Your words and deeds must match if you expect employees to trust in your leadership.”

Kevin Kruse

The ability for a leader to be trustworthy can be inspiring. If the goal of a leader is to create more leaders, take ownership in setting the example of reinforcing the core characteristics that make a successful leader: trust, integrity, empathy and connection. You have the power to contribute to the movement of change simply by being you. Will you be tested? Absolutely. Every day. But when you aren’t a sellout, integrity becomes a habit.

It all starts with being honest with yourself. Being self-aware and not willing to jeopardize your core values for anything or anybody. It is having a set of non-negotiables when it comes to your character that are not up for discussion. Honesty with ourselves and with others is the keystone to living a fulfilled life.

Your example will always define your leadership.

Go do great things today and make a difference!


Humbled to lead,

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©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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✏ Your Moral Compass

Wouldn’t life be more comfortable if we could carry our moral compass with us to check from time to time?  Better yet, why not a “moral compass app” on our phones that could provide us with instant feedback about our decisions, thoughts, path, effort, relationships, and self-awareness.

Imagine how much better the world would be if we were held accountable for our actions.

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.”

— Gordon A. Eadie

When I define what a moral compass is, I use a simple description: Knowing the difference between what is right and wrong — and acting accordingly. Some say we aren’t born with a “moral compass”; that it develops over time through experience, observation, people, influencers, success, failure, but most of all, through discovery.

The more years invested, the higher the wisdom, or so one would hope. As parents, we must build, grow, and maintain the moral compass of our children. As educators, coaches, counselors, pastors, family, and friends, we also have the opportunity to solidify one’s moral compass.

It truly takes a village.

Here is the thing though, as we mature, the first part of the definition becomes easier to understand – “knowing the difference between right and wrong.” Our minds can process things at an incredibly fast rate; we know the situation that is right in front of us. However, it’s that second part about “acting accordingly” that becomes a challenge.

Once you process the difference between right and wrong, you may only have a few seconds to react, and if you don’t have a strong foundation to make the right choice, your moral compass will sway off center and you will not act accordingly.

When I talk to groups about making choices, I often relate our moral compass to a compass used on a ship. For that captain, the safety of everyone on that vessel relies upon their expertise and navigation. I relate to the late 1800s when ships would make the trans-Atlantic journey from Europe to the United States. On these steam ships, it could take anywhere from 7-14 days to make a 3,700-mile trip.

If that ship was off by just a single degree, that is the equivalent of 65 nautical miles. Imagine if one degree turned to two, three, four, or even five degrees off course. That’s over 300 miles off course and could mean death for the entire crew. Once you went adrift, there was no technology to locate you. That compass quite literally was life and death.

Let’s go back to our moral compass. Let’s say you make a wrong decision.  Maybe it sways your compass one degree off your path. You make a second faulty decision and add a degree. Another poor choice, another degree. They don’t go away; they add up and can veer you entirely off your course. Remember, even a one-degree shift can make a dramatic difference.

“The great thing in the world is not where we stand,
but in what direction we are moving.”

James Williams

Your moral compass should be something that you can always rely on, but it requires attention. Each day, you invest in its strength, reliability, speed, and impulse through your actions and choices. You must protect your moral compass with everything you have. That moral compass becomes the business card you leave behind because it defines the things that really matter about you: your integrity, character, trust, dignity, respect, empathy, love, gratitude and selflessness. These are the characteristics you want to exude.

Pretty powerful, right?  It absolutely is.

“Without a moral compass, the human mind will justify anything.”

Mehrnaz Bassiri

Sometimes, listening to our moral compass means making unpopular decisions that requires a tremendous amount of courage and may result in disagreements.  However, you have to stand your ground and not allow other opinions to determine the direction of your moral compass, nor jeopardize your foundation.  There is a saying that you are the product of the five people you spend the most time with.  You may need to examine that inner circle from time to time because bad company can ruin good morals.

Stay north, be true to your path, and let your sails take you places you never imagined.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Your Moral Compass
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✏ Millennials Will Succeed

“Millennials don’t just want to read the news anymore. They want to know what they can do about it.

— Ian Somerhalder

We hope you enjoy this guest blog post from our leadership apprentice, Jayden Mount

As of 2018, Millennials are poised to pass Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in the world, and already make up more than 70% of the workplace. Millennials are a generation that has been called lazy, raised with technology that uses social media as a platform for instant gratification, both positively or negatively. And their decisions, opinions, and lifestyles are influencing an entire generation.

With Millennials, the leadership mindset is changing for the better, and they define authentic leadership with these six characteristics:

  1. Strategic Thinkers – These types of leaders think critically; they tend to be analytical by seeing the bigger picture and trusting the process.
  2. Inspirational – This leader motivates their team through positive influence and a trusting environment. They can shift the mindset regardless of conditions.
  3. Interpersonally Skilled – Leaders like this is highly effective at communication, and they know how to create confidence and pride within their team.
  4. Visionary – Visionary leaders teach their team how to set realistic goals and reach them — they are especially adept at knowing when to change the path to successfully guide and lead. They also have the skill to visualize and communicate that vision to their team, which is critical to their success.
  5. Decisive – Big decisions are sometimes risky but this leader knows how to boost their team in the right way. Through experience, they know what it takes to be successful and they don’t allow the fear of accountability to impede their process.
  6. Passionate – Passionate leaders are always there at the right time, pushing their team to the next level, excited with the process, and take pride in guiding their team in the right direction.

“You Don’t Need Permission to be Yourself.”

Millennials will succeed because of their determination to change the world. Some label them as passive, but Millennials tend to refer to it as grit. It’s that ability to persevere and take on challenges that may seem outside of the box to generations that preceded them. But that is the trait that makes this generation of  innovators motivated to create breakthroughs.

Ironically, those that tend to judge the behaviors of Millennials most are those who raised them. There’s an old saying, “When the son swears, slap the father.” But this generation grew up in a much different environment than any other generation, and their behavior reflects that. What some may see as challenges, they see as opportunities. They ask questions because they want to learn. They seek improvement, and strive to be the best they can. They take pride in commitment and instead of asking “why”, they ask, “why not?”

This is thinking outside of the box, and that tends to scare the status quo. Millennials believe they should seek improvement and avoid the mindset of “this is how it’s always been done”. It’s that creativity and passion that drive this generation to believe they really can make an impact in the world.

Although ambiguous for some to understand, social media has become a voice to connect and understand the world. What some call instant gratification, Millennials think of as immediate feedback. Social media is the new form of communication, and they are the most experienced at using it — but like most things, there are pros and cons associated with it. Their challenge will be to continue learning how to be more constructive, as opposed to destructive in their attempt to communicate.

In Time, the Innovation of This Generation Will Be Lauded as a Period
of Dramatic Breakthrough and Impact Beyond Expectation.

Connecting the world through leadership and influence will not be easy, but this new generation of leaders will get the job done. They have already become the largest generation in the workforce today, and will soon overtake the Baby Boomers as the largest living generation. Technology and social media have made our world more connected and efficient. Millennials need to use that to their advantage, while make a conscious effort to develop the six key characteristics discussed about, to become tomorrow’s successful leaders.

Jayden Mount

Charge Up Leadership Apprentice

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©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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✏ A Question Before Sleep: Impact

How many of you have difficulty sleeping because as you lie in bed, it seems that every single thought of what needs to be done tomorrow enters your brain, and you become fixated on it? For most of us, including myself, it has become a routine – and it needs to be broken.

We work all day, spending more time at the office than with our family in most cases. Once home, we convince ourselves that we have balance in our lives by spending time with our families and friends, but the reality is that as long as we have our mobile phone with us, we can never be truly focused enough on one thing to make an impact. The phone is our “Swiss Army Knife”; it can do anything at any time to get us out of a bind.

If you think you have a lot on your mind, though, imagine how much was weighing on the shoulders of one of the eight Founding Fathers who helped draft the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, Benjamin Franklin. Instead of dwelling on what he didn’t do, he had a ritual of concluding each evening with a simple question . . .

I believe there is one type of leadership that encompasses the qualities and traits that serve as the foundation of any effective and efficient leader. Remember, to lead is to influence, create impact, and serve others. It’s not necessarily a singular focus on profitability while ignoring the efforts of those on the front line. I am not a Pollyanna — profitability is vital to the very existence of any business — but have we lost touch with what this generation of aspiring leaders need most?


The only way to meet that need and be successful in their growth comes from one leadership style.

Servant Leadership

“What good did I do today?”

Benjamin Franklin

Wait!? Is it really that simple? For close to 250 years, this has been an option to people, but instead, we consciously choose to focus on the projects we didn’t complete, the phone calls we didn’t return, the meetings that had no closure, or the misinterpreted comments we can’t let go of from a co-worker. People have become millionaires selling us journals, project agendas, and success manuals on how to structure our days efficiently and effectively, when all this time, we should have been listening to good old Ben!

The perfect day is going to bed with a dream, and waking up with a purpose!

You need to have the mindset that every day is an opportunity to start over, start strong, and start fresh. Each morning the sun rises, and you are blessed to live another day. You can make a positive impact through influence, innovation, and breakthroughs. But it takes a routine of seeing your path clearly, and that includes recognizing the good with the bad.

Personally, I have a gratitude list. Some nights it’s on paper, other nights I write notes on my phone, or if I am in bed, I may have to chicken scratch on random note paper. My goal is to identify five things that I am most grateful for that day. The trick is, they can’t be obvious ones, like a roof over my head, the health of my family, or the opportunity to provide. They also can’t be the same every day. I force myself to think much deeper and identify not only the gratitude that others have given to me but things that I have consciously done to influence the lives of others.

I was taught early on that gratitude is outward. In other words, don’t look for things to come your way to be grateful. Instead, be proactive, and work toward making an impact on others for positive change. What people don’t understand is it’s so simple to be kind . . . holding a door for someone, looking a person in the eyes when they speak to you and listening to them instead of just hearing them. Or using phrases like, “please”, “thank you”, “yes sir”, “no ma’am”, acknowledging the success of others before yourself, bringing positive energy into a room, writing a note to somebody who may be having a rough patch in life, or picking up the phone and surprising a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while with a call.

It is not happiness that brings us gratitude. It is gratitude that brings us happiness.

If you are looking for a simple, straightforward routine that will make you much more productive and happy the following day, this is an easy routine to get you started. The secret?  Let your own voice be louder than the one in your head and take inventory of what positive impact you made that day. It doesn’t matter if it affected one or many; the little things add up to make extraordinary changes in our lives.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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✏ What’s the Worst: How to Leave the Comfort Zone

You know the scenario — it’s time to make a tough decision for the team and before the discussion has even ended, your heart rate increases and the sweat starts to form on your forehead. The fear is deafening. What will you do? What’s the safe choice? How has it always been done? What requires the least risk?

If you’re waiting for a sign, here it is!

Enter the comfort zone, otherwise known as the “Lazy Boy” of the mind.

Does this sound familiar? If so, it’s time to  challenge yourself to go beyond mediocrity and take steps toward innovation. If you want change, and you truly believe change is needed, you must raise the bar and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Ask yourself the question, “What’s the worst that can happen if I step outside my comfort zone?” Don’t operate under the fearful impression that hard work and thinking outside the box will automatically be deemed as inexcusable. With the right leadership, your courage will be rewarded.

Did Coke close the company down after it only sold 25 gallons of syrup in its first year?

Did Michael Jordan quit basketball after he was cut from his high school team?

Did Colonel Sanders quit on his dream of Kentucky Fried Chicken when he started at the age of 60?


All of these stories stem from the same motivation. It’s that willingness to abandon the comfort zone and push aside the fear of failure to discover your true purpose. Everything takes both skill and will, but neither come into the equation without risk.

Living a fulfilled life requires you to challenge yourself to realize that you have complete control of your happiness. Every time you push yourself to discover something new, you are growing as a person. Confidence becomes a mindset, and you control your destiny. Instead of asking, “Why do I have to make this decision?,” you start saying, “What is the worst that can happen?!”

It starts with having a well-thought out plan, the right resources and an enthusiasm to challenge the norm. It’s about visualizing what could be and setting goals to achieve that dream. It is having an answer for each barrier disguised as risk.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what, they haven’t planned for you. Not much.”

— Jim Rohn

If you don’t make a commitment to personal growth, you risk feeling regret because you had complete control, but you didn’t seize the opportunity and act. The old saying is so true: in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. Why put yourself in that position, when all it takes is the courage to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk? For some, this extremely difficult. Being vulnerable is exposing yourself for everyone to see, and it’s certainly not for everybody.

However, if you want to create change, all you need is a few seconds of courage at the right moment for something amazing to happen. Bottom line, your will to succeed must be greater than your fear to fail.If you have a plan and a piece of it fails, it’s not a stop sign. It’s just a hint that you must find a new way to approach the barrier.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Wayne Gretzky

Step out of the comfort zone and allow your voice to be louder than the one in your head telling you to slow down. Move forward to take the risk head on. Open yourself up to the vulnerability of establishing the new you. It is when you have that breakthrough that your real life begins. Instead of rerouting your journey as a result of adversity, you eliminate the barriers and move forward. It is one of the most rewarding feelings you will ever have.

Take every chance. Drop every fear.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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✏ One Leadership Style You Must Know

I have an epiphany – that “a-ha” moment where something strikes you, and everything makes sense. For years I have researched about leadership; read books, watched videos, and listened to thought leaders explain precisely what characteristics define an effective and efficient leader.

I have studied nearly every leadership style:  the “Visionary,” “Autocratic,” “Laissez Fair,” “Pacesetter,” “Bureaucratic,” and “Transactional”. Each shares various elements with another, but they’re still unique and appropriate for different people and various situations. While I understood them, what confused me can all be summed up in a straightforward question.


I believe there is one leadership style that encompasses the qualities and traits that serve as the foundation of any effective and efficient leader. Remember, to lead is to influence, to serve others; it’s not necessarily a singular focus on profitability while ignoring the efforts of those on the front line. I am not a Pollyanna — profitability is vital to the very existence of any business — but have I fear that we’ve lost touch with what this generation of aspiring leaders need most . . .


The only way to meet that need and be successful in the growth of others comes from one leadership style . . .


“The servant-leader is a servant first. It begins with a natural feeling that one wants to serve…as opposed wanting power, influence, fame, or wealth.”

— Robert K. Greenleaf

To make a positive impact on those you lead, an effective leader must establish trust and empathy. That leader must be authentic and sincere with a sense of gratitude toward the dedication and passion his or her subordinates exhibit. When describing a servant leader, words such as humble, self-aware, and stewardship are used. A strong servant leader takes a tremendous amount of pride in being a mentor, because they understand that their job is not to create more followers, but rather more leaders.

Most professionals develop their leadership style as a result of their personalities. That works, except those who still feel as if manipulation, ego, and guilt are acceptable. Some leaders are still stuck in management by fear approach, instead of one based on respect. There are still far too many who rely upon title, authority, and rank to call themselves a leader.

“The difference between effective and ineffective leaders is not
what they know, it is what they do.”

— Todd Whitaker

Employee attrition is an epidemic taking place that is entirely preventable. We just need to spend the appropriate amount of time training those in leadership positions to ensure they are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to lead. We pour money into elaborate training programs for our employees but fail to allocate those same resources for the people we empower to lead.

Although I say “Servant Leadership” is the most effective, I want to be precise. I also subscribe to elements of Coaching, Visionary, and Transformational leadership, as well. I do so because they are so closely aligned to servant leadership. It’s adding that element of dedicating yourself to a purpose and coming to the realization that true fulfillment comes from helping others. That is the very essence of servant leadership.

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem
of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

— Sam Walton

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ One Leadership Style You Must Know
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✏ Press Forward

Average people will not be successful or effective leaders because they have no desire to press forward, pushing themselves to the point where innovation and breakthrough begin. Average people lack the tenacity and willingness to face challenging problems head-on. Average people understand that you cannot allow obstacles to change the course.


If you have accepted the challenge to lead others, you are not average. You have made a commitment to influence positively and achieve things more significant than yourself. This is why leadership is earned, not given. This is why leadership is a privilege.

With any goal you want to reach, there will be opposition and adversity — and you have to be prepared to press forward to get through it. The slightest bit of doubt at any point in the mission can interfere with achieving your objectives.

Champions know the climb to the top isn’t easy, but they plan for unexpected events.

As a leader, you will need to press forward, and you must make quick decisions – but it needs to be the right decision. That intuition will come from experience and the confidence to act will come from passion.  You will encounter those who are afraid to follow because it is outside their comfort zone, but that will be where your purpose and passion serve as the key to unlock their potential and elicit greatness out of them that they would not have otherwise even known they had.

The path you charted may not be the actual one you take on your journey, there will be unexpected turns and challenges faced, but you must keep pressing forward. Do not ever give up on your dreams; live with the belief that everything is possible with the right mindset and motivation.

“Keep pressing forward, never turn back!
Because the future is waiting while the past is gone.”


Nilufer Guney

Your instincts should reflect your character – the very essence of who you are as a person. You are dedicated to being a leader who doesn’t create followers but more leaders. You take on the approach of a champion’s mentality in everything you do.

This is called pride. 

It is the only way you operate, because you are working on creating a long-term legacy. 

You don’t really understand the concept of quitting, because that option should never enter your mind. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” you say, “how can I?” You should have the attitude of, “Here is the mountain, now let’s move it!” You should press forward each day with the same purpose and passion that lead you to your position of responsibility.

“Whatever you’re facing today, keep going. Keep moving.
Keep hoping. There is a victory on the other side!”

Mandy Hale

Be like a clock on the wall, never moving backward, only forward.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Press Forward
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✏ Living An Infinite Life

Imagine life as a game of baseball.

Picture the beautifully maintained green lawn, the smooth infield sand, and the perfectly chalked lines. As a fan, you take in this panoramic view of the baseball diamond and all of your stresses magically disappear. For the players, the ground they will battle is pristine and inspiring. As they cross the lines of the infield, they find themselves lost in the moment.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.”

Yogi Berra

There is a saying in sports that once you enter the field of play, and cross the line from the everyday world into the game, you leave all your worries behind and play for the love of the game. This is how the most successful athletes create a trigger for their mindset to kick in. Once they step on that field, they are in their world, and there are no distractions.

Baseball would be called a “finite” experience.

“Finite” is defined as having boundaries and can measured.

Now, let’s discover a world of “infinite” experiences.

“Infinite” is defined as something limitless or impossible to measure. There are no restrictions. Those that believe in this are the ones that tend to  “think outside the box.”

“To define yourself is to limit yourself. Without labels, you remain the infinite being.”

— Deepak Chopra

It is within this “infinite thinking” that breakthrough and innovation occur.  Without a set of standards defining the boundaries of our imagination, the possibilities are limitless. We have the opportunity to defy all odds by pushing the envelope and getting comfortable being uncomfortable. It is within this space where leaders thrive, and their creativity and passion stand out because they feel completely free.

It is easy to fall into the trap of living through policy and procedure manuals, protocols, flow charts, and traditional thinking – we all do it. However, as old as the saying goes, and it is so true – “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”

Sometimes, the only way you will set yourself apart as a leader is to kick the barriers down and starting asking “why.” You know you are on your way to something as soon as you hear the response, “That’s just how we’ve always done it.” That reply is your starting gun to be the one willing to take the extra step and jump off the cliff.

There are no finish lines in life or business. We can always improve on something. There are opportunities all around us that don’t even involve critical thinking, just an awareness that they exist. Be open-minded and see everything in front of you so that you can explore and discover. Bring your teams into the discussions and teach them to go beyond expectations into a world where work becomes a passion.

It is time to tear the walls down around you, and refuse to constrict yourself by a set of standards that society has arbitrarily developed and placed to enforce conformity. Don’t live finitely; step out of that space because you will not learn toughness in a comfortable environment.The only way you will grow is through a mindset of infinity, where innovation and breakthroughs are limitless, and you are in complete control.

That is the life that you were meant to live. That is where complete fulfillment comes from, an expanding world of discovery and imagination where there is no finish line, but rather a never-ending realm of possibility. 

This is you, an idealist who can make an impact and do incredible things.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”

— Chinese Proverb

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Living An Infinite Life
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✏ Giving Back: the Spirit of Gratitude

I firmly believe that we are all born with a kind, giving heart. We start our lives with an innocent perception that the world can be anything we want it to be. It is said that we control our circumstances, but too many young children become a victim to their environment — they are not taught the lessons of life and how to cope. As those children grow older, they lack a sense of compassion and trust. But we shouldn’t be so quick to blame them.

It reminds me of a saying my father had: “When the son swears, slap the father.” He had a keen sense of judgement and a patience in understanding the truth of a situation. If our society has changed that much, it is up to us to “unteach” these youth that position, and introduce them all life truly has to offer.

My father also taught me that we are all here to do something, to give our gifts and God-given talents to the world. He firmly believed that developing a spirit of gratitude would make a difference in your life. The more you contribute, the more life takes on an entirely new meaning. When you give more of yourself, you are destined to  receive more in return. However, it must be done with a kind, unselfish heart expecting nothing in return and that’s when but true fulfillment happens.

“Your rewards in life are in direct proportion to your service.”

Earl Nightingale

As a leader, you set the example.  When I use the word “leader”, I’m not talking about position, rank or authority;  that is not a leader, but rather a manager.  When I say “leader”, I am referring to one who influences.  To the person who has the ability to elicit greatness out of others.  In other words, they always put others before themselves in an effort to create more leaders.

To contribute as a leader requires more than just your responsibilities within your career.  You also have a responsibility to be a contributor to life and not withhold the gift you have been given.  As hard as you work to empower others, you understand that giving back actually empowers you.  It’s that drive that leads to happiness.  And if you truly influence others, they too will model your behavior and realize that giving thanks creates power.  It is within the ability to look beyond your own needs and recognize where you can make an impact that provide unmatched rewards in life.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Think of it as a circle. We are all there to pass our gift to the person on our right, and once they receive it, they pass their gift on to the next person. This momentum continues and positive change starts occurring because there are so many people keeping the flow going. However, all it takes is someone to receive — and not giving back to break that momentum. Too many people today are stopping the flow, and holding back as a result of their selfishness. They believe what is theirs is theirs and it is not their responsibility to be giving. In their mind, they earned it — as should everyone else.

Until you consider being giving an obligation, you will continue to put it off. If you want to see the results of your efforts, you must start now. Expand the circle of momentum by stepping in with your arms open and passing something on. Put ego aside, become more vulnerable and express the greatest gift you have, and that is gratitude.You cannot evade your own greatness, give without expectation because life contributes back to you when you are generous with your gift. The more you give, the more your get.

When you focus on gratitude, it expands.  If you make it a part of your life, think of the influence you have as a leader to pass that gift on to so many others.  Don’t hold back, what you give will always come back to you tenfold.  Commit to being a contributor and you will experience happiness for the rest of your life.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Giving Back: the Spirit of Gratitude
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✏ What Does Love Have To Do With It?

First it’s the nerves, then the sweaty palms. The heart rate increases — all because that four-letter word is on the tip of our tongue, and we are finally ready to muster up the courage to say it . . .


As in, “I LOVE MY CAREER!” There, you said it. Don’t you feel so much better? It really wasn’t that big of a deal, was it? Here’s the thing: it’s beautiful when a career and a passion come together, and what you spend the majority of time doing each day doesn’t feel like work, but instead a freedom to express your gifts and contribute to the greater good of innovation and growth.

“Choose a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

— Confucius

It’s no secret that when you love your job, the results are tangible. The commitment is related to things such as job satisfaction, engagement, innovation, willingness, being a better co-worker and taking initiative are just a few examples. You come into the office ready to attack the next objective, or work with the team to solve problems and reach goals.

To spend your day with like-minded people who also thrive in that environment will inspire you. It’s why you see so many friendships develop in the workplace. We are attracted to commonality, so in this case, positivity finds positivity. There are absolutely real benefits from having good relationships at work.

Another factor that comes into play, which is critical to building our love for what we do, is connectedness. What that refers to is the bond of trust and support we have in our workplace relationships. Whether it be with our leaders, subordinates or peers, the commonalities of our personalities create a connection that is there to help us feel stable during adverse times, and to celebrate when we succeed.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”

— Steve Jobs

What it all comes down to is culture — do you fit the culture established by the company? When you love your role, the people you work with, the contribution you make, and the impact of the company, a sense of family will emerge, and that relationship is parallel to culture. Imagine it as connecting the dots: respect, engagement, empowerment, passion, commitment, connectedness, involvement and excitement. When these come together, you have discovered your passion, and are on course to live a fulfilled life.

Try completing the sentence:

“I love my job because _________________.”

If you have numerous answers, you are in the right place!

However, let’s swing the pendulum toward the opposite direction – what if you can’t answer that question? What if you struggle because your efforts, contribution and loyalty are no longer fulfilling? From time to time, all of us should perform self-awareness exercises where we evaluate all of the things in our life to ensure we are where we want to be. If your job — for an excessive period of time — has no longer brought you satisfaction, then it may be time to ask yourself the tough questions.

Many will sit and ponder; however, I always refer back to my gut feeling. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, is it me, or is really the job? If it is you, than the first thing you need to do is fix yourself. Rediscover your priorities and work on you. Regardless of your career, it goes back to the old saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup, you have to take care of yourself first.” Once that process is in place, put pen to paper and invest in researching what your true passion is. The last thing you want to do is take a temporary job; it’s not fair to you or the employer.

“You must love your work and not always be looking over the edge of it wanting your play to begin.”

— George Elliot

A common reason people don’t move a job is because they are scared of change. They have built four walls around themselves and live in a comfort zone because they know the work that accompanies change. Don’t be the person who complains to co-workers every day about your problems at work but does nothing about it — that will only make the situation worse. Now is the time to be brave, courageous, and step out. Embrace the fear, and let your passion guide you.

We all spend too much time in the workplace to not be fulfilled by what we do. If you aren’t happy, put your energy into change and rediscover your passion!

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ What Does Love Have To Do With It?
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✏ No Substitute for Preparation

It’s an all-too-familiar topic, but for some reason, we keep taking the bait. Everywhere you look, there are videos, workbooks, seminars, one-on-one coaching — all promising you success at an accelerated pace for an exaggerated price. We laugh about it when we are in groups, but once we are alone, we click on that magic link to uncover the next DaVinci Code. We want it now — no time for patience, because that will only set us back. We demand our skills, knowledge and behaviors be sent via Amazon Prime so that by the end of the day tomorrow, we will be successful!  Who needs preparation or experience — that’s a waste of time!

“Success takes an investment in time, dedication, and sacrifice. This is true education. It is a process.”

— Robert T. Kiyosaki

Did you hear that? That was the sound of reality hitting. Hard.

Maybe I was a little rough on the Millennials. The fact of the matter is, we’ve been trying to buy snake oil for as long as we can remember. Most generations have fallen for the “overnight success story,” only to realize that most of them come true after about 36,500 overnights. With all of the advancement in science and analytics, we still have a difficult time defining the formula for “get rich quick.”

“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”

— Howard Ruff

Let’s debunk another “truth” — fair warning, this one may depress you. What if I told you that we have all been fooled in believing that it only takes 21 days to break a habit? Once again, even 21 days is not enough time. According to the European Journal of Social Psychology, they found that it took on average, 68 days to break or form a habit. And that’s the average. It could take as long as eight months! But how can that be true? Isn’t it a fact that it takes 21 days? Bad news, that whole “21 day” myth that was touted by Dr. Maxwell Maltz wasn’t even a scientific study, but simply an observation.

Let’s talk about the solution to being successful — over weeks, over months, or over years . . .


  1. Plan

Having a plan puts you in a position to succeed. It takes time to develop the right plan to achieve your specific objectives. Creating an effective and efficient plan also includes roles and responsibilities, step-by-step explanations, timeframes, resources required and projected outcomes. Without a plan, you have no purpose.


  1. Prepare

Like the legendary basketball coach from UCLA, John Wooden, said, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” It’s easy to get confused between planning and preparation, but you can’t have one without the other. Preparation is gathering information and resources and how they will be used.


  1. Patience

Likely the most challenging trait of success, you must understand that patience is aligned with wisdom. For you to master your craft, it takes a tremendous amount of trial and error. You have to be prepared to test your plan and evaluate the outcomes. There is no substitute for patience, and once people are willing to come to terms with that, the path becomes easier.


  1. Perseverance

Simply put, it is the ability to be persistent in what your goals are without allowing obstacles to detour your path to success. No innovation or breakthrough isn’t met with tremendous challenge, but handling the barriers with focus and determination will contribute to their success.


  1. Empowerment

Success isn’t singular; it is an effort by more than one to achieve something that exceeds expectations. Successful people recognize this. They empower others to contribute, and encourage critical dialogue to show the importance of others input. Those who achieve success take as much pride in others as they do themselves.


  1. Failure

One of the few guarantees on the journey toward success is failure — you will encounter it numerous times. Good preparation can help reduce or soften failures, but not eliminate risk entirely. Successful people know this and welcome the challenge, because they understand that each failure is simply a stepping stone toward their goal. In other words, if you get knocked down, get back up.


  1. Focus

Absolutely critical to success is your ability to focus on the activity you are trying to complete. You cannot allow anything else to distort your goals because it will require your undivided attention. Great leaders have a unique talent and honing in on the specifics, knowing that the devil is in the details. They make no assumptions and always have a plan B prepared.


  1. Self-Awareness

Without a realistic perception and understanding of who we are, as vulnerable of a position as it may put us, we don’t have the capacity to understand our “uniqueness” and strengths without being self-aware.  More importantly, it allows us to identify where we have the opportunity to improve.


  1. Courage

Success requires risk, which it takes you completely out of your comfort zone into an unknown area that most aren’t willing to explore as a result of fear. The rewards of working with a sense of courage creates innovation and breakthrough — these are the qualities of a successful person.


  1. Humility

I’ve listed this last, but it’s certainly not least. To practice humility is to build character and earn the respect of others not just through your words, but your actions as well. Your ability to be humble will lead to your success, but also set the example for those who choose to emulate your behaviors that others will model.


Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#ChargeUp #365 #patience #prevent #success #leadership #RaiseTheBar #impact #BeTheImpact #Lead #authentic #gratitude #PayItForward #mentor #purpose #GoodToGreat #reflection #inspire #empower



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ No Substitute for Preparation
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✏ Success Math

“Give 100%. 110% is impossible. Only idiots recommend that.”

— Ron Swanson, Parks & Recreation

Let’s review some math rules:

  • A positive plus a positive equals a positive
  • A negative plus a negative equals a negative
  • A higher positive number plus a lower negative number equals a positive
  • A higher negative number plus a lower positive number equals a negative

Now that we have that as a guide, let’s do some “Success Math”.

Why don’t we start with a word problem?

Becky and Mark work together at the same company and have the same management roles. Becky is always focused on improvement and efficiency. She is committed to the goals and objectives of the department and her team has respect for her guidance, support and willingness to go above and beyond. Becky’s goal is to give just one percent more each day, and it’s the same advice she gives her team. As a result, her team is 12% over goal for the quarter.

Mark has been at the company for over ten years, five more than Becky. Mark has had a lot of turnover, but still manages to hit his quotas — barely. He has a set way of doing things and doesn’t like to stray away from that. In his opinion, “why change it if it still works”? Mark spends a lot of his time barking orders and micromanaging his team. They aren’t a cohesive unit. They are currently below goal by 18% for the quarter.

Based off Becky and Mark’s quarterly goals, what is the sum of their results for the quarter?


+12% + (-18%) = (-6%)

It looks like Mark’s negativity is having an effect on Becky’s positivity!

Even when we strive to give 100% effort in what we do, the difference between good and great can lie within the smallest of percentage points. We refer to it as “the little things.” Trust me when I say that the little things add up. For example, refer to a publicly traded company who announce their quarterly earnings — but happen to be off by 2-3%. In a matter of hours, their value goes down and their investors want to know what they are going to do to fix it immediately.

Let me provide an example more relative to where you may be. If you’re taking the time to read this, I consider you a person who is striving to better himself or herself, so you are a leader in my book. Leaders are always looking for the competitive advantage: any way in which they can improve, innovate, inspire, or discover a breakthrough. I ask this question to those I’ve led in the past to understand the power of competition, “Do you run faster alone or against somebody else?” Of course the answer is against somebody else. That is where you can tangibly see the 1%. If two people train to run the race for a month with the goal of winning, for example, compare the winner’s regimen to the other competitor’s. I bet you will find the 1%. I call that “Success Math”.

“Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood.”

— Bill Murray

The more vested you become in committing to lead effectively and efficiently, the more the 1%’s will jump out at you. Whether it is in your own self-awareness — or in the guidance of others you lead — the wisdom and experience you gain with time will become an asset. Want to know how you as a leader can actually apply the principles of “Success Math”? Look no further!



It’s easy to identify what is wrong, the challenge is finding a way to correct it – permanently. In other words, a successful leader doesn’t believe in band-aids; they will only pursue solutions. Don’t be “the complainer”; they are a dime a dozen. Instead, look to discover innovative ways — with your team — to identify the problem, discuss it, evaluate your options, and act.



Never stop – and this applies to everything you do. Things like learning, teaching, mentoring, communicating, appreciating, pushing, empowering and persevering all matter. If you develop these traits with a commitment to apply them each and every day, they will become habit. True, productive growth comes a result of being relentless.



It goes back to paying attention to the little things, which usually end up being the 1% difference. Make sure the 1% is in your favor, because if you believe that the devil is in the details, over time, the 1%’s add up. No better way to widen the gap between you and your competition than by focusing on getting 1% better every day.



Simply put, go all-in. Why play the game if you aren’t in to win it? It’s a mindset, one that directs your every move toward the objective. Play it safe and you risk being average. Take the risk, and the reward will be higher.  The challenge is understanding the risks. Don’t throw darts with a blindfold on, be knowledgeable enough to access the positive and negative aspects of the decision.



It may be last on the list, but is critical. If your end goal is to build a legacy and make an impact, integrity is a non-negotiable. Integrity is an adherence to moral and ethical principles. It will build your moral character and hold you to being honest. Integrity is the type of trait that people talk about — not only when you’re in the room, but when you’re not around. That’s how respect and admiration is earned.

I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.”

Larry Bird

Become more aware of your surroundings, and find connections with those you lead in an effort to discover every competitive advantage you can. Who knows, maybe you can achieve that 110%?

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#ChargeUp #365 #patience #prevent #success #leadership #RaiseTheBar #impact #BeTheImpact #Lead #authentic #gratitude #PayItForward #mentor #purpose #GoodToGreat #reflection #inspire #empower



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Success Math
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✏ True Fulfillment is a Journey

When we invest ourselves and commit to achieving our goals and dreams, it can be a long road — filled with the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. But if we stay the course and remain fearless, the gift of true fulfillment awaits. There is an undeniable satisfaction knowing that the outcome was born of the struggle to persevere, and never sacrifice our true self to being average. It’s a journey that those who are vulnerable, innovative, and willing to prove their true character by staying strong can achieve successes and discover the gifts they have to offer.

“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”

Tony Robbins

The most powerful obstacle in that journey will be your own ego. Will you base what and how you do things based on the opinions of others? Are you confident enough to stop chasing people who don’t support or appreciate you, but are the first to criticize? Most of us live right on the edge of our own capabilities, but won’t step outside that comfort zone due to insecurities. We allow those who settle for the status quo to hold us back from reaching our own potential, because they selfishly don’t want anyone to raise the bar. It’s called the comfort zone for a reason.

It’s time to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

To be fulfilled means that you’ve achieved something you desire. We all strive to live a fulfilled life; it’s the constant quest for growth, personal development and achievement that contribute to our happiness. The key is that you have to love yourself. It is the essence of confidence, being completely in control of your life and self-aware.  You have to believe in one thing – yourself.  Once you stop seeking approval from others, you become free.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.

As a result, your voice of confidence becomes louder than the one in your head. You no longer allow circumstances to define who you are. You learn to overcome, because that is who you are. Through the journey, you discover an invincible you that knows you have to get comfortable with fear, because that is where the lessons live.

Each time you hit a crossroad on this journey toward fulfillment, a new character trait will expose itself. You have to be open-minded and encourage change. With ambition comes innovation. One of those strengths you will develop is discipline, and through discipline, you will get things done. It will be discipline which creates habits; a tendency to respond to the same situation in a certain way. When you face adversity, the discipline you’ve gained will come into play to determine if you are on course, or need to make adjustments.

Patience will always be your ally. Knowing that anything worth achieving takes time is the foundation. Those that don’t have patience are always looking for the finish line. What they can’t comprehend is that there isn’t a finish line; we are always climbing the mountain.  You must be not only skilled, but perseverant and consistent, because the journey is a marathon, not a sprint. And when we reach the summit, it only provides a better view to the next mountain. Instead of losing our motivation at that pinnacle, the view atop that mountain provides us with a sense of confidence to continue to the journey.

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the
happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing.”

— Andy Rooney

Dream big and never lose the excitement of the journey, because if you think about it, the journey is the destination!

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ True Fulfillment is a Journey
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✏ Eight to Great: the Steps to Greatness

If you want to chase greatness, you must first understand that there is no finish line. We never truly master a skill — we only continue to hone it. Records are broken all the time, new advances are made, technology is surpassed, and our creativity continues to amaze.

“Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
others have greatness thrust upon them.”

— William Shakespeare

The key to this ongoing pursuit is a never-ending sense of curiosity and the willingness to go beyond being comfortable. You become so motivated by a vision that isn’t even tangible yet, but you want to move the needle and ask “why not?” It is having the confidence that you can climb the mountain without knowing how high it is. The thing is, nobody ever gets dropped off at the top of the mountain — everyone has to climb it. There are no shortcuts, but there will definitely be obstacles all throughout the journey. You will fail. You will fail often. Make failure your education. Make adversity your oxygen. Turn “I think” into “I will.” Allow your strength to lie within your perception of success.

“There is no try; there is only do or not do.”

— Yoda

Let’s first define success. Success is an ongoing process of becoming. It is a constantly active process of achievement towards a purpose. It is based on outstanding performance and the ability to impact, innovate or break through a barrier. Success in and of itself takes patience. It will include leaps and bounds, but the most important steps you will make in your journey will come as a result of the details you discover along the way that give you the competitive advantage. It will result in complete self-awareness of you are – or better yet, who you aspire to be.

What is not the equivalent to success? Money.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one equals the other. If your objective in being successful is to simply to be wealthy, you might as well quit reading this. There is no substance to the equation and your journey will be short-lived without purpose.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

— Dwayne Johnson

Greatness is a clearly defined mission and vision that will lead toward success and a fulfilled life.  When you have the ability to innovate and create breakthroughs in the service of something bigger than yourself,  then you earn the respect of others through your character and integrity.

Greatness is . . .





The amazing thing about greatness is that every person has the chance to achieve it, but it requires hard work and perseverance. Some will never achieve it — for numerous reasons — because it is not just given, but earned.

Here are eight things to focus on as you create a mindset of greatness:


  1. HAVE COURAGE – Simply put, courage is having strength in the face of fear. It is not allowing the voices in your head to be louder than the voices from your mouth. It is an attribute of good character and fight for something greater than you despite the risk.


  1. BE REALISTIC – Goals can be lofty, but ensure they are achievable. You have to evaluate the risk vs. reward, put critical thought into the personal costs involved in your pursuit, and identify the tools and resources necessary to move forward. Be self-aware enough to make the difficult decisions.


  1. STAY CURIOUS – If you don’t believe in the possibilities, you will never discover the reward. Too many people who have the talent and ability allow their dreams to die because they aren’t willing to go beyond what they know. Never stop asking “why” until you get the answer you need to take the next step.


  1. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE – Nobody climbs the mountain alone; we need support, guidance, and encouragement. You will need a trusted circle of influence, true friendships that withstand the test. You will immediately find out who those friends are, because you are like-minded and all share in serving a greater purpose. If people are negative or bring you down, let them go. You have enough baggage to carry on your shoulder to the top of the mountain.


  1. PERSISTENCE PAYS – Focus on what you want to do and don’t stop until you feel like you have exceeded your expectations. The outcome of that drive will be commitment. If you do all you can do to have a defined purpose, vision and plan, then anything is possible.


  1. CELEBRATE THE MILESTONES – Don’t make the mistake of focusing so intensely on the outcome that you lose the lessons of the process. You have to hold onto the vision and enjoy the process, because success is not a one-way street. The process will fuel the drive that pushes you every day, regardless of adversity.


  1. AVOID SELFISH AMBITION – Don’t fall into the trap of chasing greatness to keep up with others, or allow others to dictate your pace and achievement. Chasing greatness is an individual pursuit of a greater purpose. You must be authentic and not allow influence or opinion change your course. You will make unpopular choices, but if it’s for the sake of future benefit, stay on course.


  1. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR MINDSET – To achieve greatness, you have to ensure that your mindset matches your actions. It will require a strong belief in yourself, a commitment to success, the ability to push through failure, mental toughness and resilience. Round that out with character, heart and will.


Your life deserves a concentrated effort to succeed. You owe that to yourself, because what is the benefit if you are not living your dreams?  You get one life — make the absolute most of it!

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Eight to Great: the Steps to Greatness
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