► Finger Pointing: Just Stop Already

Finger pointing. It’s bad enough among team members, but when leadership gets involved? Leaders who play the victim lose sight of one of the most important parts of being a leader. In this week’s Power Cast podcast, Finger Pointing: Just Stop Already, it’s time to get real or get out.

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Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

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Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Finger Pointing: Just Stop Already
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✏ Press Forward

Average people will not be successful or effective leaders because they have no desire to press forward, pushing themselves to the point where innovation and breakthrough begin. Average people lack the tenacity and willingness to face challenging problems head-on. Average people understand that you cannot allow obstacles to change the course.


If you have accepted the challenge to lead others, you are not average. You have made a commitment to influence positively and achieve things more significant than yourself. This is why leadership is earned, not given. This is why leadership is a privilege.

With any goal you want to reach, there will be opposition and adversity — and you have to be prepared to press forward to get through it. The slightest bit of doubt at any point in the mission can interfere with achieving your objectives.

Champions know the climb to the top isn’t easy, but they plan for unexpected events.

As a leader, you will need to press forward, and you must make quick decisions – but it needs to be the right decision. That intuition will come from experience and the confidence to act will come from passion.  You will encounter those who are afraid to follow because it is outside their comfort zone, but that will be where your purpose and passion serve as the key to unlock their potential and elicit greatness out of them that they would not have otherwise even known they had.

The path you charted may not be the actual one you take on your journey, there will be unexpected turns and challenges faced, but you must keep pressing forward. Do not ever give up on your dreams; live with the belief that everything is possible with the right mindset and motivation.

“Keep pressing forward, never turn back!
Because the future is waiting while the past is gone.”


Nilufer Guney

Your instincts should reflect your character – the very essence of who you are as a person. You are dedicated to being a leader who doesn’t create followers but more leaders. You take on the approach of a champion’s mentality in everything you do.

This is called pride. 

It is the only way you operate, because you are working on creating a long-term legacy. 

You don’t really understand the concept of quitting, because that option should never enter your mind. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” you say, “how can I?” You should have the attitude of, “Here is the mountain, now let’s move it!” You should press forward each day with the same purpose and passion that lead you to your position of responsibility.

“Whatever you’re facing today, keep going. Keep moving.
Keep hoping. There is a victory on the other side!”

Mandy Hale

Be like a clock on the wall, never moving backward, only forward.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Press Forward
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► Embrace the Suck

Ambition is only half the equation. You’ve also got to take action — and with that comes things that suck. How do you cope and power through? By embracing it! How? Victor explains in this week’s new Power Cast podcast, Embrace the Suck.

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Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


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✏ Living An Infinite Life

Imagine life as a game of baseball.

Picture the beautifully maintained green lawn, the smooth infield sand, and the perfectly chalked lines. As a fan, you take in this panoramic view of the baseball diamond and all of your stresses magically disappear. For the players, the ground they will battle is pristine and inspiring. As they cross the lines of the infield, they find themselves lost in the moment.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.”

Yogi Berra

There is a saying in sports that once you enter the field of play, and cross the line from the everyday world into the game, you leave all your worries behind and play for the love of the game. This is how the most successful athletes create a trigger for their mindset to kick in. Once they step on that field, they are in their world, and there are no distractions.

Baseball would be called a “finite” experience.

“Finite” is defined as having boundaries and can measured.

Now, let’s discover a world of “infinite” experiences.

“Infinite” is defined as something limitless or impossible to measure. There are no restrictions. Those that believe in this are the ones that tend to  “think outside the box.”

“To define yourself is to limit yourself. Without labels, you remain the infinite being.”

— Deepak Chopra

It is within this “infinite thinking” that breakthrough and innovation occur.  Without a set of standards defining the boundaries of our imagination, the possibilities are limitless. We have the opportunity to defy all odds by pushing the envelope and getting comfortable being uncomfortable. It is within this space where leaders thrive, and their creativity and passion stand out because they feel completely free.

It is easy to fall into the trap of living through policy and procedure manuals, protocols, flow charts, and traditional thinking – we all do it. However, as old as the saying goes, and it is so true – “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”

Sometimes, the only way you will set yourself apart as a leader is to kick the barriers down and starting asking “why.” You know you are on your way to something as soon as you hear the response, “That’s just how we’ve always done it.” That reply is your starting gun to be the one willing to take the extra step and jump off the cliff.

There are no finish lines in life or business. We can always improve on something. There are opportunities all around us that don’t even involve critical thinking, just an awareness that they exist. Be open-minded and see everything in front of you so that you can explore and discover. Bring your teams into the discussions and teach them to go beyond expectations into a world where work becomes a passion.

It is time to tear the walls down around you, and refuse to constrict yourself by a set of standards that society has arbitrarily developed and placed to enforce conformity. Don’t live finitely; step out of that space because you will not learn toughness in a comfortable environment.The only way you will grow is through a mindset of infinity, where innovation and breakthroughs are limitless, and you are in complete control.

That is the life that you were meant to live. That is where complete fulfillment comes from, an expanding world of discovery and imagination where there is no finish line, but rather a never-ending realm of possibility. 

This is you, an idealist who can make an impact and do incredible things.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”

— Chinese Proverb

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Living An Infinite Life
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► Keystone Leadership

In architecture, the keystone is the final stone piece of an arch — the one that bridges both sides, and bears the weight. How does the concept of the keystone translate to leadership? Find out in this week’s Power Cast podcast, Keystone Leadership.

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Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


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✏ Giving Back: the Spirit of Gratitude

I firmly believe that we are all born with a kind, giving heart. We start our lives with an innocent perception that the world can be anything we want it to be. It is said that we control our circumstances, but too many young children become a victim to their environment — they are not taught the lessons of life and how to cope. As those children grow older, they lack a sense of compassion and trust. But we shouldn’t be so quick to blame them.

It reminds me of a saying my father had: “When the son swears, slap the father.” He had a keen sense of judgement and a patience in understanding the truth of a situation. If our society has changed that much, it is up to us to “unteach” these youth that position, and introduce them all life truly has to offer.

My father also taught me that we are all here to do something, to give our gifts and God-given talents to the world. He firmly believed that developing a spirit of gratitude would make a difference in your life. The more you contribute, the more life takes on an entirely new meaning. When you give more of yourself, you are destined to  receive more in return. However, it must be done with a kind, unselfish heart expecting nothing in return and that’s when but true fulfillment happens.

“Your rewards in life are in direct proportion to your service.”

Earl Nightingale

As a leader, you set the example.  When I use the word “leader”, I’m not talking about position, rank or authority;  that is not a leader, but rather a manager.  When I say “leader”, I am referring to one who influences.  To the person who has the ability to elicit greatness out of others.  In other words, they always put others before themselves in an effort to create more leaders.

To contribute as a leader requires more than just your responsibilities within your career.  You also have a responsibility to be a contributor to life and not withhold the gift you have been given.  As hard as you work to empower others, you understand that giving back actually empowers you.  It’s that drive that leads to happiness.  And if you truly influence others, they too will model your behavior and realize that giving thanks creates power.  It is within the ability to look beyond your own needs and recognize where you can make an impact that provide unmatched rewards in life.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Think of it as a circle. We are all there to pass our gift to the person on our right, and once they receive it, they pass their gift on to the next person. This momentum continues and positive change starts occurring because there are so many people keeping the flow going. However, all it takes is someone to receive — and not giving back to break that momentum. Too many people today are stopping the flow, and holding back as a result of their selfishness. They believe what is theirs is theirs and it is not their responsibility to be giving. In their mind, they earned it — as should everyone else.

Until you consider being giving an obligation, you will continue to put it off. If you want to see the results of your efforts, you must start now. Expand the circle of momentum by stepping in with your arms open and passing something on. Put ego aside, become more vulnerable and express the greatest gift you have, and that is gratitude.You cannot evade your own greatness, give without expectation because life contributes back to you when you are generous with your gift. The more you give, the more your get.

When you focus on gratitude, it expands.  If you make it a part of your life, think of the influence you have as a leader to pass that gift on to so many others.  Don’t hold back, what you give will always come back to you tenfold.  Commit to being a contributor and you will experience happiness for the rest of your life.

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Giving Back: the Spirit of Gratitude
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► The Champion Inside

Are you willing to quit compromising and let go of fear to fully experience what the leader — the CHAMPION — inside you can do? You will be after listening to this week’s podcast! Unleash the power of The Champion Insideit’s only one button click away.

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Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► The Champion Inside
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► Give Kindness Back

Pay It Forward . . .
It’s the one simple emotion that can always take you to the right place. Gratitude is the oxygen that spreads kindness and fuels a fulfilled life. Learn how it can turn stress into serenity in this week’s new Power Lines podcast, Give Kindness Back.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Give Kindness Back
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✏ No Substitute for Preparation

It’s an all-too-familiar topic, but for some reason, we keep taking the bait. Everywhere you look, there are videos, workbooks, seminars, one-on-one coaching — all promising you success at an accelerated pace for an exaggerated price. We laugh about it when we are in groups, but once we are alone, we click on that magic link to uncover the next DaVinci Code. We want it now — no time for patience, because that will only set us back. We demand our skills, knowledge and behaviors be sent via Amazon Prime so that by the end of the day tomorrow, we will be successful!  Who needs preparation or experience — that’s a waste of time!

“Success takes an investment in time, dedication, and sacrifice. This is true education. It is a process.”

— Robert T. Kiyosaki

Did you hear that? That was the sound of reality hitting. Hard.

Maybe I was a little rough on the Millennials. The fact of the matter is, we’ve been trying to buy snake oil for as long as we can remember. Most generations have fallen for the “overnight success story,” only to realize that most of them come true after about 36,500 overnights. With all of the advancement in science and analytics, we still have a difficult time defining the formula for “get rich quick.”

“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”

— Howard Ruff

Let’s debunk another “truth” — fair warning, this one may depress you. What if I told you that we have all been fooled in believing that it only takes 21 days to break a habit? Once again, even 21 days is not enough time. According to the European Journal of Social Psychology, they found that it took on average, 68 days to break or form a habit. And that’s the average. It could take as long as eight months! But how can that be true? Isn’t it a fact that it takes 21 days? Bad news, that whole “21 day” myth that was touted by Dr. Maxwell Maltz wasn’t even a scientific study, but simply an observation.

Let’s talk about the solution to being successful — over weeks, over months, or over years . . .


  1. Plan

Having a plan puts you in a position to succeed. It takes time to develop the right plan to achieve your specific objectives. Creating an effective and efficient plan also includes roles and responsibilities, step-by-step explanations, timeframes, resources required and projected outcomes. Without a plan, you have no purpose.


  1. Prepare

Like the legendary basketball coach from UCLA, John Wooden, said, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” It’s easy to get confused between planning and preparation, but you can’t have one without the other. Preparation is gathering information and resources and how they will be used.


  1. Patience

Likely the most challenging trait of success, you must understand that patience is aligned with wisdom. For you to master your craft, it takes a tremendous amount of trial and error. You have to be prepared to test your plan and evaluate the outcomes. There is no substitute for patience, and once people are willing to come to terms with that, the path becomes easier.


  1. Perseverance

Simply put, it is the ability to be persistent in what your goals are without allowing obstacles to detour your path to success. No innovation or breakthrough isn’t met with tremendous challenge, but handling the barriers with focus and determination will contribute to their success.


  1. Empowerment

Success isn’t singular; it is an effort by more than one to achieve something that exceeds expectations. Successful people recognize this. They empower others to contribute, and encourage critical dialogue to show the importance of others input. Those who achieve success take as much pride in others as they do themselves.


  1. Failure

One of the few guarantees on the journey toward success is failure — you will encounter it numerous times. Good preparation can help reduce or soften failures, but not eliminate risk entirely. Successful people know this and welcome the challenge, because they understand that each failure is simply a stepping stone toward their goal. In other words, if you get knocked down, get back up.


  1. Focus

Absolutely critical to success is your ability to focus on the activity you are trying to complete. You cannot allow anything else to distort your goals because it will require your undivided attention. Great leaders have a unique talent and honing in on the specifics, knowing that the devil is in the details. They make no assumptions and always have a plan B prepared.


  1. Self-Awareness

Without a realistic perception and understanding of who we are, as vulnerable of a position as it may put us, we don’t have the capacity to understand our “uniqueness” and strengths without being self-aware.  More importantly, it allows us to identify where we have the opportunity to improve.


  1. Courage

Success requires risk, which it takes you completely out of your comfort zone into an unknown area that most aren’t willing to explore as a result of fear. The rewards of working with a sense of courage creates innovation and breakthrough — these are the qualities of a successful person.


  1. Humility

I’ve listed this last, but it’s certainly not least. To practice humility is to build character and earn the respect of others not just through your words, but your actions as well. Your ability to be humble will lead to your success, but also set the example for those who choose to emulate your behaviors that others will model.


Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#ChargeUp #365 #patience #prevent #success #leadership #RaiseTheBar #impact #BeTheImpact #Lead #authentic #gratitude #PayItForward #mentor #purpose #GoodToGreat #reflection #inspire #empower



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ No Substitute for Preparation
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► The F-Word (!!)

Victor’s dropping the F-word, and no — it’s NOT “failure”. So what is it? You’re going to have to listen to find out, but there are at least fifty reasons why it’s well worth your time. Don’t miss the latest Power Cast podcast, The F-word! #leadership #podcast #ChargeUp

Listen Now

Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


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✏ Success Math

“Give 100%. 110% is impossible. Only idiots recommend that.”

— Ron Swanson, Parks & Recreation

Let’s review some math rules:

  • A positive plus a positive equals a positive
  • A negative plus a negative equals a negative
  • A higher positive number plus a lower negative number equals a positive
  • A higher negative number plus a lower positive number equals a negative

Now that we have that as a guide, let’s do some “Success Math”.

Why don’t we start with a word problem?

Becky and Mark work together at the same company and have the same management roles. Becky is always focused on improvement and efficiency. She is committed to the goals and objectives of the department and her team has respect for her guidance, support and willingness to go above and beyond. Becky’s goal is to give just one percent more each day, and it’s the same advice she gives her team. As a result, her team is 12% over goal for the quarter.

Mark has been at the company for over ten years, five more than Becky. Mark has had a lot of turnover, but still manages to hit his quotas — barely. He has a set way of doing things and doesn’t like to stray away from that. In his opinion, “why change it if it still works”? Mark spends a lot of his time barking orders and micromanaging his team. They aren’t a cohesive unit. They are currently below goal by 18% for the quarter.

Based off Becky and Mark’s quarterly goals, what is the sum of their results for the quarter?


+12% + (-18%) = (-6%)

It looks like Mark’s negativity is having an effect on Becky’s positivity!

Even when we strive to give 100% effort in what we do, the difference between good and great can lie within the smallest of percentage points. We refer to it as “the little things.” Trust me when I say that the little things add up. For example, refer to a publicly traded company who announce their quarterly earnings — but happen to be off by 2-3%. In a matter of hours, their value goes down and their investors want to know what they are going to do to fix it immediately.

Let me provide an example more relative to where you may be. If you’re taking the time to read this, I consider you a person who is striving to better himself or herself, so you are a leader in my book. Leaders are always looking for the competitive advantage: any way in which they can improve, innovate, inspire, or discover a breakthrough. I ask this question to those I’ve led in the past to understand the power of competition, “Do you run faster alone or against somebody else?” Of course the answer is against somebody else. That is where you can tangibly see the 1%. If two people train to run the race for a month with the goal of winning, for example, compare the winner’s regimen to the other competitor’s. I bet you will find the 1%. I call that “Success Math”.

“Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood.”

— Bill Murray

The more vested you become in committing to lead effectively and efficiently, the more the 1%’s will jump out at you. Whether it is in your own self-awareness — or in the guidance of others you lead — the wisdom and experience you gain with time will become an asset. Want to know how you as a leader can actually apply the principles of “Success Math”? Look no further!



It’s easy to identify what is wrong, the challenge is finding a way to correct it – permanently. In other words, a successful leader doesn’t believe in band-aids; they will only pursue solutions. Don’t be “the complainer”; they are a dime a dozen. Instead, look to discover innovative ways — with your team — to identify the problem, discuss it, evaluate your options, and act.



Never stop – and this applies to everything you do. Things like learning, teaching, mentoring, communicating, appreciating, pushing, empowering and persevering all matter. If you develop these traits with a commitment to apply them each and every day, they will become habit. True, productive growth comes a result of being relentless.



It goes back to paying attention to the little things, which usually end up being the 1% difference. Make sure the 1% is in your favor, because if you believe that the devil is in the details, over time, the 1%’s add up. No better way to widen the gap between you and your competition than by focusing on getting 1% better every day.



Simply put, go all-in. Why play the game if you aren’t in to win it? It’s a mindset, one that directs your every move toward the objective. Play it safe and you risk being average. Take the risk, and the reward will be higher.  The challenge is understanding the risks. Don’t throw darts with a blindfold on, be knowledgeable enough to access the positive and negative aspects of the decision.



It may be last on the list, but is critical. If your end goal is to build a legacy and make an impact, integrity is a non-negotiable. Integrity is an adherence to moral and ethical principles. It will build your moral character and hold you to being honest. Integrity is the type of trait that people talk about — not only when you’re in the room, but when you’re not around. That’s how respect and admiration is earned.

I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.”

Larry Bird

Become more aware of your surroundings, and find connections with those you lead in an effort to discover every competitive advantage you can. Who knows, maybe you can achieve that 110%?

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#ChargeUp #365 #patience #prevent #success #leadership #RaiseTheBar #impact #BeTheImpact #Lead #authentic #gratitude #PayItForward #mentor #purpose #GoodToGreat #reflection #inspire #empower



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Success Math
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► That May Be Your Next Client

Whether you are in sales or not — you’re in sales, and courtesy is crucial. You’re representing your business, organization or family when you interact with others. What message are you conveying by your actions, or more importantly, inaction? Find out in That May Be Your Next Client, available NOW.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► That May Be Your Next Client
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✏ True Fulfillment is a Journey

When we invest ourselves and commit to achieving our goals and dreams, it can be a long road — filled with the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. But if we stay the course and remain fearless, the gift of true fulfillment awaits. There is an undeniable satisfaction knowing that the outcome was born of the struggle to persevere, and never sacrifice our true self to being average. It’s a journey that those who are vulnerable, innovative, and willing to prove their true character by staying strong can achieve successes and discover the gifts they have to offer.

“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”

Tony Robbins

The most powerful obstacle in that journey will be your own ego. Will you base what and how you do things based on the opinions of others? Are you confident enough to stop chasing people who don’t support or appreciate you, but are the first to criticize? Most of us live right on the edge of our own capabilities, but won’t step outside that comfort zone due to insecurities. We allow those who settle for the status quo to hold us back from reaching our own potential, because they selfishly don’t want anyone to raise the bar. It’s called the comfort zone for a reason.

It’s time to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

To be fulfilled means that you’ve achieved something you desire. We all strive to live a fulfilled life; it’s the constant quest for growth, personal development and achievement that contribute to our happiness. The key is that you have to love yourself. It is the essence of confidence, being completely in control of your life and self-aware.  You have to believe in one thing – yourself.  Once you stop seeking approval from others, you become free.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.

As a result, your voice of confidence becomes louder than the one in your head. You no longer allow circumstances to define who you are. You learn to overcome, because that is who you are. Through the journey, you discover an invincible you that knows you have to get comfortable with fear, because that is where the lessons live.

Each time you hit a crossroad on this journey toward fulfillment, a new character trait will expose itself. You have to be open-minded and encourage change. With ambition comes innovation. One of those strengths you will develop is discipline, and through discipline, you will get things done. It will be discipline which creates habits; a tendency to respond to the same situation in a certain way. When you face adversity, the discipline you’ve gained will come into play to determine if you are on course, or need to make adjustments.

Patience will always be your ally. Knowing that anything worth achieving takes time is the foundation. Those that don’t have patience are always looking for the finish line. What they can’t comprehend is that there isn’t a finish line; we are always climbing the mountain.  You must be not only skilled, but perseverant and consistent, because the journey is a marathon, not a sprint. And when we reach the summit, it only provides a better view to the next mountain. Instead of losing our motivation at that pinnacle, the view atop that mountain provides us with a sense of confidence to continue to the journey.

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the
happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing.”

— Andy Rooney

Dream big and never lose the excitement of the journey, because if you think about it, the journey is the destination!

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ True Fulfillment is a Journey
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► Eggs vs Bacon: How Committed Are You?

When it comes to breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. It takes self-awareness to recognize which you are — and a willingness to ask yourself if that’s really where you want to be. Victor provides some thought-provoking questions to put you on a path to the rewards of choosing to be committed in this week’s Power Cast podcast, Eggs and Bacon.

Listen Now

Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action, to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here.

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Eggs vs Bacon: How Committed Are You?
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✏ Eight to Great: the Steps to Greatness

If you want to chase greatness, you must first understand that there is no finish line. We never truly master a skill — we only continue to hone it. Records are broken all the time, new advances are made, technology is surpassed, and our creativity continues to amaze.

“Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
others have greatness thrust upon them.”

— William Shakespeare

The key to this ongoing pursuit is a never-ending sense of curiosity and the willingness to go beyond being comfortable. You become so motivated by a vision that isn’t even tangible yet, but you want to move the needle and ask “why not?” It is having the confidence that you can climb the mountain without knowing how high it is. The thing is, nobody ever gets dropped off at the top of the mountain — everyone has to climb it. There are no shortcuts, but there will definitely be obstacles all throughout the journey. You will fail. You will fail often. Make failure your education. Make adversity your oxygen. Turn “I think” into “I will.” Allow your strength to lie within your perception of success.

“There is no try; there is only do or not do.”

— Yoda

Let’s first define success. Success is an ongoing process of becoming. It is a constantly active process of achievement towards a purpose. It is based on outstanding performance and the ability to impact, innovate or break through a barrier. Success in and of itself takes patience. It will include leaps and bounds, but the most important steps you will make in your journey will come as a result of the details you discover along the way that give you the competitive advantage. It will result in complete self-awareness of you are – or better yet, who you aspire to be.

What is not the equivalent to success? Money.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one equals the other. If your objective in being successful is to simply to be wealthy, you might as well quit reading this. There is no substance to the equation and your journey will be short-lived without purpose.

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

— Dwayne Johnson

Greatness is a clearly defined mission and vision that will lead toward success and a fulfilled life.  When you have the ability to innovate and create breakthroughs in the service of something bigger than yourself,  then you earn the respect of others through your character and integrity.

Greatness is . . .





The amazing thing about greatness is that every person has the chance to achieve it, but it requires hard work and perseverance. Some will never achieve it — for numerous reasons — because it is not just given, but earned.

Here are eight things to focus on as you create a mindset of greatness:


  1. HAVE COURAGE – Simply put, courage is having strength in the face of fear. It is not allowing the voices in your head to be louder than the voices from your mouth. It is an attribute of good character and fight for something greater than you despite the risk.


  1. BE REALISTIC – Goals can be lofty, but ensure they are achievable. You have to evaluate the risk vs. reward, put critical thought into the personal costs involved in your pursuit, and identify the tools and resources necessary to move forward. Be self-aware enough to make the difficult decisions.


  1. STAY CURIOUS – If you don’t believe in the possibilities, you will never discover the reward. Too many people who have the talent and ability allow their dreams to die because they aren’t willing to go beyond what they know. Never stop asking “why” until you get the answer you need to take the next step.


  1. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE – Nobody climbs the mountain alone; we need support, guidance, and encouragement. You will need a trusted circle of influence, true friendships that withstand the test. You will immediately find out who those friends are, because you are like-minded and all share in serving a greater purpose. If people are negative or bring you down, let them go. You have enough baggage to carry on your shoulder to the top of the mountain.


  1. PERSISTENCE PAYS – Focus on what you want to do and don’t stop until you feel like you have exceeded your expectations. The outcome of that drive will be commitment. If you do all you can do to have a defined purpose, vision and plan, then anything is possible.


  1. CELEBRATE THE MILESTONES – Don’t make the mistake of focusing so intensely on the outcome that you lose the lessons of the process. You have to hold onto the vision and enjoy the process, because success is not a one-way street. The process will fuel the drive that pushes you every day, regardless of adversity.


  1. AVOID SELFISH AMBITION – Don’t fall into the trap of chasing greatness to keep up with others, or allow others to dictate your pace and achievement. Chasing greatness is an individual pursuit of a greater purpose. You must be authentic and not allow influence or opinion change your course. You will make unpopular choices, but if it’s for the sake of future benefit, stay on course.


  1. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR MINDSET – To achieve greatness, you have to ensure that your mindset matches your actions. It will require a strong belief in yourself, a commitment to success, the ability to push through failure, mental toughness and resilience. Round that out with character, heart and will.


Your life deserves a concentrated effort to succeed. You owe that to yourself, because what is the benefit if you are not living your dreams?  You get one life — make the absolute most of it!

Go do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

#legacy  #hero  #chargeup   #chargeuptoday #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #strongleader   #patience #leadershipjourney  #resilience  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #adversity #areyouready  #leadandfollow  #mentorship  #mentor #venture #lead #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower #buildforsuccess #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humility



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2019 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Eight to Great: the Steps to Greatness
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