As Victor brings the Charge Up Champion’s Mindset to college sports programs all around the country this week, we bring you this encore broadcast of one of our Top 5 podcasts of all time . . . enjoy! Awareness is the key to finding the inspiration that exists all around us . . . learn how to get dialed in for a clear vision that charges up the confidence to take action in today’s podcast, Where is Inspiration? Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered monthly right to your inbox! If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, please be sure to visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset, we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper — through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Good vs Great: It’s a Fine Line
What separates good vs great? Is there a common theme to greatness? In this week’s podcast, Victor explores what it is to be great — and gives you 5 things that you can do right now to raise your own bar and move the needle from good to great. Listen to Good vs Great: A Fine Line right now! Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► The Rewards of Leadership
The rewards of leadership. Good leaders understand where they really lie — in the small wins. But whose? In this week’s Power Cast podcast, Victor examines the rewards of leadership as measured by the success of others. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► I Wish . . .
I wish . . . Have you ever found yourself uttering those two little words? It’s natural – we all have limitations on what we can and cannot do. But when you say “I wish”, you are creating a mindset that something is beyond your reach. Here’s how to adapt, and avoid turning wish into regret. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes
The amount of negativity all around us is no longer empowering us as a society, but instead, it is slowly crippling us in a time where we need to find and acknowledge the progress, gratitude and appreciation for life to set the example for the next generation. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Pressure is a Privilege
If you’re prepared, pressure is a reward for your hard work — a privilege to embrace. Here’s how to accept that positive pressure, and turn it into a driving force that helps you reach your goals. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Empathy: A Leadership Superpower
Why empathy? After all, workers are just paid to do a job, and it’s not a leader’s business to worry about emotion, right? In this week’s new Power Cast podcast, Victor explains why the real weakness isn’t embracing empathy, but lacking it. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
There’s a lot waiting for you on the other side of your comfort zone. Here’s how to leave fear and doubt behind to access a new level of innovation and breakthroughs. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► What’s Important
If you take responsibility for who you are, you can set meaningful goals for who you want to become. In this episode of the Power Cast, Victor explains the importance of taking time for a gut check to align your values with your actions and goals. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Motivation vs Inspiration
Motivation vs Inspiration. One is external and temporary, the other internal and lasting. If you want to be a difference maker, this is the podcast for you! Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Failure is Not Fatal
What do almost all of the big success stories have in common? Failure. In this Power Cast episode, Victor helps you reframe failure and learn to apply the valuable lessons it offers. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Employees Quit Bosses, Not Companies
75% of all workers who leave voluntarily cite their supervisor or boss as the reason. Turnover is a management issue, and the fact is, you can’t create great followers under poor leadership. In this Power Cast podcast episode, Victor shares a handy reminder of the differences between a boss and a leader. Protect your most powerful business assets — the human ones — by learning how to be a leader, not a boss. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► All In
Take every chance, drop every fear. Going All In is the only way to be defined by courageous and innovative actions — learn how to make that leap on this week’s Power Cast podcast. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Where is Inspiration?
Awareness is the key to finding the inspiration that exists all around us . . . learn how to get dialed in for a clear vision that charges up the confidence to take action in today’s podcast, Where is Inspiration? Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Entitlement
Millennials may have prompted this conversation, but it goes much deeper than that. You’re only entitled to one thing, and Victor lays out the rule on “Entitlement” in this week’s newest Power Cast podcast. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now