► Gratitude Again

Gratitude. What does this increasingly trendy word really mean, especially in a leadership setting? Victor breaks it down, and explains why it’s so easy — and dangerous — to let gratitude slide, in this week’s Power Cast episode.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Gratitude Again
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► A Champion’s Mindset

In this special podcast, Victor shares lessons from some of his most valued mentors — those who taught him what it takes to succeed both on and off the field. Don’t miss these great insights on how the strategies for winning the game can help you win at life as well.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► A Champion’s Mindset
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► A Tribute to Legacy

Dad, you continue to be my moral compass, providing me the inspiration and drive to carry on your legacy of kindness, gratitude, integrity and servant leadership. Charge Up is for you; I know you would be proud.

Happy Birthday . . .

Vic L. Pisano
November 8, 1934 – April 30, 2017

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► A Tribute to Legacy
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► Building a Leader

Is what you’re doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? Victor shares the secrets to building a leader, using the “bricks” of experience, responsibility and credibility.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Building a Leader
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► The Myth of Vertical Leadership

Traditional thinking paints leadership as a ladder to be climbed. But is that really the right way to think about it? In this episode, I explore the myth of vertical leadership — and discuss what really does work.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► The Myth of Vertical Leadership
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► You Can’t Hack Leadership

Looking for a shortcut to leadership, like one of those handy little “life hacks”? There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is, there is no way to hack leadership. So what’s the good news? You won’t be making the journey alone. Tune in now as Victor breaks down exactly what it DOES take to become a leader.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► You Can’t Hack Leadership
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► Failure

Feelings on this topic can be as stark as the title of this week’s new podcast. But even though it’s a difficult subject, failure is not nearly as bad as it seems at first glance. Join Victor as he analyzes some of the surprising benefits of failure, and how you can best learn from your mistakes.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► Failure
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► Leadership — Skill or Habit?

Is leadership a skill that can be sharpened, or a habit that can be established? In this episode of the Charge Up Power Cast, Victor explains the difference between these two, and why it matters.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► Leadership — Skill or Habit?
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► Young Leaders

You don’t have to have a corner office to lead. In this special Power Cast, Victor gives aspiring young leaders five ways to start developing their skills TODAY. If you’re a teenager, have one, work with young people, or just want basic leadership skills, this podcast is for you. And don’t forget to reach out to others – sharing this episode is the perfect way to pay it forward.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#leadership #character #inspire #youngleader #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► Young Leaders
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► A Leader is Always on Stage

Leaders are always being watched, which is why it’s so important to live consistently according to your core principles. What are some of the little things that have a big impact on how others view you? I reveal them in this episode of Power Cast.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#leadership #character #gratitude #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► A Leader is Always on Stage
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► This Journey Called Life

It’s easy to slip into a pattern where life becomes routine: wash, rinse, repeat. But the joy is in the journey, complete with life’s twists and turns. How can you see them as the adventure, and be present in everything you do? The answers lie in this week’s quick but must-listen Power Cast short, This Journey Called Life.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#leadership #character #journey #action #chargeup #payitforward

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► This Journey Called Life
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► The Rewards of Leadership

Leadership is on ongoing challenge, because it is constantly evolving. But it has consistent rewards if you keep at it. What are they, and how can you achieve them? The answers are just one click away.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► The Rewards of Leadership
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► Leadership in 30 Seconds

Welcome to the third episode of Power Cast, hosted by Charge Up’s Victor Pisano. Tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style. This week, Victor breaks the principles of leadership down to the basics, offering clear, quick improvement to your style.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

Victor Pisano► Leadership in 30 Seconds
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► The Three Ps

Welcome to the second episode of Power Cast, hosted by Charge Up’s Victor Pisano. Tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style. In this Power Cast mini-pod, Victor talks about the “three Ps” – Passion, Patience, Persistence – and what they mean in a leadership setting.

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Victor Pisano► The Three Ps
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► What Is Charge Up?

It’s Just What You’ve Been Waiting For . . .

Welcome to premiere episode of Power Cast, hosted by Charge Up’s Victor Pisano. Tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style. In this first episode, Victor explains Charge Up’s origin story, and shares his goals for this bold new venture.

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Excited? Inspired? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

Victor Pisano► What Is Charge Up?
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