We’ve been saving the best for last this #FlashbackFebruary. It’s an encore release of Charge Up’s most popular podcast of all time — our guest interview with Molly Fichtner, Head Softball Coach of University of Louisiana – Monroe. This unassuming but thoughtful young leader will have you learning and laughing, so don’t miss this episode of the Power Cast! # Molly Fichtner #coaching #softball #TalonsOut #warhawks Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered monthly right to your inbox! If you enjoyed this Power Cast podcast from Victor Pisano, be sure and visit the Charge Up Power Cast archives for our full library of past broadcasts. From the importance of character and taking action to developing leadership skills and finding the right mindset — we cover the topics that help you venture, lead and prosper, through reflection, inspiration and empowerment. Catch up on what you’ve missed — it’s all available right here. Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Authenticity
Authenticity. It’s a word we hear a lot these days — but what does being authentic mean as a leader? Why is it so critical? Why is it so tough sometimes? Victor answers these questions and more in this episode of the Power Cast from Charge Up. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Special Guest Molly Fichtner
It’s a first for Victor’s podcast – a guest interview! Meet Molly Fichtner, Head Softball Coach of University of Louisiana – Monroe. This unassuming but thoughtful young leader will have you learning and laughing, so don’t miss this episode of the Power Cast! Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Take the First Step
Martin Luther King Jr said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” In this week’s Power Cast episode, Take the First Step, Victor talks about the connection between belief and success, and reminds us that making progress is more important than the size of the step you take. Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now
► Leadership Reboot
New Year, New You? There’s no better time than right now to think about how to change your habits to lower stress, yet be more productive as a leader. Victor starts you off with 10 great ideas in this week’s Power Cast episode, A Leadership Reboot Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox! Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard! #action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor Pisano. You’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.Listen Now