Live in the moment with me! Crazy, contemplative, humble, helpful – and always worth your time. Catch ’em before they’re gone.
Hook ups of the legit kind – connect with me, and let’s open doors together.
Real-world wisdom in 140 characters or less. Writing it: hard. Reading it: easy. Follow me!
It doesn’t have to rhyme with tedium. Yes, the reads are a little longer, but there are no shortcuts to success.
Quotes and images to inspire, inform and kick you in gear. And filters – lots of filters – on any selfies that I post. Pinky swear.
Join my Facebook fam and get access to nearly everything Charge Up, all in one place. Crowds gather for a reason – just sayin’ . . .
Traffic jammed, or airport slammed? Turn stuck into luck – tune in to level up your leadership in minutes: anywhere, anytime.
Doc-styling my days, and bringing you bonus life and leadership lessons with my Power Portraits video series. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think. And probably laugh again.
Uncensored and unpredictable – just like me. Uncover your own path with inspiration, encouragement and solutions crafted through two generations of success.