✏ A New Youth Movement in Leadership?

Is there such thing as a fast-track leadership program?

When we talk about leadership, we typically emphasize the “journey”. We highlight words like patience, experience, knowledge, trust, tenure, etc.  Leadership is an earned role that comes through respect, and it takes time to earn respect.

However, there are headlines out there that will tell you to the contrary that there is a youth movement taking place amongst the Fortune 500 C-Suite executives. Just look at these young leaders:

  • Mark Zuckerburg, CEO & Chairman of Facebook, 34 years old
  • Keith Cozza, CEO & Director of Icahn Enterprises LP, 39 years old
  • Larry Page, CEO & Director of Alphabet, Inc., 45 years old
  • Jeffrey Brown, CEO & Director of Ally Financial, 45 years old

It certainly does look like there is a changing of the guard when it comes to the age of CEO right now. Think about all of those dot.com entrepreneurs who made millions before they were even 30 years old. There are stories all over Silicon Valley of overnight CEO successes.  The narratives are all the same: you just need some angel investors, a great idea, an IPO and the world is yours . . .


Enter 2007-2008, when the United States experienced a financial crisis termed the “Great Recession”, which was compared to the “Great Depression” of the 1930’s. There is one thing a financial crisis will always teach you about leadership — when there is concern about financial stability, constant scrutiny, a complete lack of accountability, and a loss of trust by the American people, it’s time to bring in the old guard who can handle these situations.

“Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when other people are fearful.”

Warren Buffett

May I introduce you to a few veterans who can fix just about anything who just so happen to be in the Fortune Top 100 CEO’s Listing:

  • Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, 85 years old
  • Sheldon G. Anderson, CEO of the Las Vegas Sands, 82 years old
  • Roger Penske, CEO of the Penske Automotive Group, 79 years old
  • Allan Miller, CEO and Chairman of Universal Health Services, 77 years old

You may have noticed, but we just took a 180º from the beginning of the blog to this point. It was necessary to prove my position and bring you back to reality: where leadership is developed through a mindset of skills and behaviors that require experience, and experience equals time.

There is no rule that says, “you must be this age to lead”, but there are considerations that come into play in order to maintain the tremendous pace and deal with the immense pressures of being a leader and having accountability for the success of the people under your direction and the profitability of the company.

Are there exceptions to the rule? No doubt there are, there are exceptions to every rule. However, when discussing leadership, don’t follow the “get rich quick method” because you will be the first to fail. If you don’t respect the process, you won’t experience the rewards.

The key is to focus on YOU. What are your aspirations? What are your goals? What are your strengths?


This is your legacy — create it page by page in tremendous detail and explanation so others can learn from your journey.

To an extent, leadership is like beauty; it’s hard to define, but you
know it when you see it.

If you aspire to be a leader, do it for the right reasons – to inspire and empower others. Leadership is all about giving more than you take.  Don’t graduate from college and expect the “golden egg”, start from the bottom and learn every function of the profession you strive to make a difference. No shortcuts, no excuses; put in the hard work and the blue sky can be yours.

As I wrap this up, here are a few facts for you to ponder:

Most CEOs range in age from 47 – 63 years old


The average tenure of a CEO is 9.7 years for Fortune 500 companies



Humbled to lead,

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©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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► Attention, Future Leaders

More than ever, it’s critical to be nurturing the next generation of leaders. What is your role, and how you can encourage the skills that aspiring leaders of any age need? Find out in this episode of the Power Cast: Attention, Future Leaders.

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✏ What Are the Odds?

It seems as if a prerequisite for success these days is to start your business out of your garage.

Those garages were the original corporate headquarters for many familiar businesses including Apple (Steve Jobs), Microsoft (Bill Gates), Amazon (Jeff Bezos), Brownfield Funds (“The Big Short’s” Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley) and Julio Palmaz (heart stent).

“What Are the Odds” – Trivia?

  • For an amateur to make a hole in one: 12,000 to 1
  • Being struck by lightning: 960,000 to 1
  • To win the Powerball: 292,000,000 to 1

“What Are the Odds” – Business?

  • Start-up businesses surviving one year: 70 out of 100
  • Start-up businesses surviving one to five years: 50 out of 100
  • Start-up businesses surviving up to ten years: 34 out of 100

Which set of odds is most intriguing to you? 

For the vast majority of people, trivia is the choice they stick with. However, for the thrill seekers who thrive on betting the house on calculated risks, they see the challenge in being an entrepreneur. Research those who have experienced tremendous entrepreneurial riches over the last 20+ years and see — was it luck or risk?


Success is not for the weak at heart. It’s a never-ending investment of time, energy, ego and sacrifice. It is a lonely journey, because in most cases, the money is not there to fund a team — you are the team.

We all play the odds in some way, but to what extent are you willing to sacrifice everything you have based off the unwavering confidence you have in yourself?

The speed with which technology propels business today as opposed to just 10 years ago is the difference between millions in profit over a very short period of time for one business, compared to millions lost overnight for another.

However, for the obsessed entrepreneur, the one emotion you don’t want to experience is REGRET. If you’re young enough and have really good mentors, you can, but, if the rear-view mirror is all you focus on, you’re going to have live with it.

Entrepreneurs live off a simple philosophy – NO RISK, NO REWARD. 

Successful entrepreneurs spend a tremendous amount of time on the most meticulous details to test every theory against their ideas. They don’t ask themselves “how can it succeed”, but rather, “how can it fail?” They are obsessed with the research, data, analytics and input. They strive to make the impossible possible.

They refine their concepts — sometimes for years — before the first returns ever come to fruition. You see, great things never come from comfort zones; it takes courage, patience and numerous rejections to succeed.

There are plenty of examples of familiar names who lived off ambition as opposed to a paycheck:

  • Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks) was a bartender until the age of 25
  • Suze Orman (Finance/Stockbroker) was a waitress until the age of 31
  • Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas Sands Hotels) sold shampoo until the age of 30
  • K. Rowling (Harry Potter) was single mom on welfare until the age of 31

Was it luck, or was it the sense of adventure to prove everybody wrong and beat the odds beyond all expectations? The only plan guaranteed to fail is one without taking risks. Great achievements take great risk.

When these folks see the return on their investment, they don’t think in terms of how much money they made. They think of how much more they could have made had they executed it in another way. It’s not that they are greedy; they are perfectionists.

Unless you are willing to push the limits, success will elude you. Success requires action, how else would you measure their achievements?  Be bold and have the ambition to turn your dreams into reality. You only live once, why not create the legacy of an anomaly?

Start with cleaning out the garage, though . . .

Leadership is a privilege.


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©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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► How Important Is Character?

Character versus reputation — do you know the difference? In How Important Is Character?, Victor breaks it down for you, and reveals exactly why this knowledge is so critical to good leadership.

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✏ The Power of Empathy

Powerful leadership requires a sincere empathy toward those you lead.

Empathy is not a weakness. Empathy is a strength.

However, there seems to be a disconnect in understanding the differences between “empathy” and “sympathy.” Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another.

“Empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection.”

– Brene´ Brown

Through research, I have learned that a predominant theory is that leaders tend to subscribe to two different routes for leadership. The first is a “task-oriented” style where leaders focus their behaviors on the specifics roles of the job and productivity. The second is “relations-oriented leadership,” where leaders focus on emotional behaviors to create quality relationships, such as listening, loyalty, trust, providing support and encouragement.

The leaders who were authentic and vested in following a relations-oriented leadership style were able to produce more results — and even more impressive — retain their staff for more extended periods of time. Remember, trust and respect are motivators for an employee to stay at a company even when the financial lure may be tempting.

A great employee leaves a bad leader, not a company.

How else can you effectively lead without truly understanding those that you are responsible for? To be a successful leader, it is imperative that you develop the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This will be your connection to greatness — the switch to ignite empowerment. The trust and respect to earn loyalty.

Far too often, leaders are stubborn and lean toward the old-school management style which states that you should have a clear and distinct separation between those who work for you, and those whom you call friends. You can’t mix the two. “Having friendships with your subordinates will only create problems”, the theory says.

Through experience, observation, discussion, and application, I cannot entirely agree with this. Keeping an arm’s-length distance between yourself and your team will get you nowhere. If you want complete buy-in, loyalty, commitment, and trust, you have to be willing to step outside your comfort zone.

In my opinion, there is no way as a leader that you would have the ability to be able to map another’s thoughts, needs, motivations, feelings, attitudes beliefs and issues without empathy. People don’t want your pity; they are looking for your human side, the connection.

“Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people to inspire and empowering their lives.”

– Oprah Winfrey

A sincere and empathetic relationship with your team can be the difference between achieving your objectives and falling short. It can often be the difference between good and great. If viewed as a sacrifice on your part, there may be a need for a self-awareness evaluation to ensure you can be in the role. There is a distinct difference between viewing your team as workers vs. people.

There are 5 Steps of Empathy:

  1. Listen to what the person is saying and watch their body language
  2. Remember a time when you felt the same way.
  3. Imagine how you might think about that situation. Validate the full range of emotions that come up.
  4. Ask how they are feeling. Share with them what you are noticing.
  5. Show you care through your words and actions – if you promise something, follow through


It has become apparent that empathy is an essential trait for 21st-century leadership and beyond. If compassion is not your strong suit as a leader, make it a priority to understand better where others are coming from. Find what inspires and motivates them, learn their triggers and discover their strengths, learn how to connect with them on an individual basis.

Balance it with your leadership style and be prepared to see positive changes occur.

Do great things today and make a difference.


Humbled to lead,

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©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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✏ Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes

The amount of negativity all around us is no longer empowering us as a society, but instead, it is slowly crippling us in a time where we need to find and acknowledge the progress, gratitude and appreciation for life to set the example for the next generation.

Too many words, not enough action. 

Too many problems, a lack of solutions. 

Too much blame, a disregard for accountability.

Too much assumption, a loss of fact.

Let me emphasize, this is not a political post. Nor do I want it to be misinterpreted as one. This is about self-awareness: an introspection of our own character and how we rationalize both our internal and external awareness in the environment we are in.

Simply put, it is about our decisions.

“Remember, a negative multiplied by a negative is only positive in math — not the real world.

– Eric Thomas, Motivational Coach

All of us need to take the time to reevaluate our priorities, values and purpose, to ask yourself, “Am I living up to my own standards each and every day?”.  As adults, each of us — regardless of race, creed, socio-economic stature, education or persuasion — are providing the ground work for a new generation of young adults who will play a critical role in our future development in society.

Do you sincerely believe that our focus is on providing a balance of both positive and negative to teach our children that there is good and bad in the world, but to also elicit the actions of problem solving and healthy, productive discussions to find unity and make an impact on the world?

Our brain is bombarded with negative influences everywhere, especially from the highest influencer, visual data. It is now estimated that upward of 90% of the news, both newspaper and television, is negative content. A 2016 review of all social media channels discovered that on average, 62% of posts and/or comments are negative-biased (statista.com).

We have developed a negativity bias in our cognitive system over time that creates “mental shortcuts” that push us toward the negative in a situation rather than actually processing it, thinking about it, using critical thought and providing an honest opinion. What influences us the most to make these shortcuts? Other people’s opinions.

It doesn’t take science to prove that we tend to lean toward the side of popular opinion as opposed to sticking with our independent belief because we fear being the outcast, or not part of the majority.  Over time, we have lost our ability to generate free and independent thought because what was once a simple discussion with others can immediately lead to a heated, emotional debate regardless of topic. Why are we so quick to attack? When did we lose the ability to listen and discover through others’ knowledge? The fireside chat has turned into protests, violence, extreme threats on social media and a focus by news outlets to intensify the situation by making light of it at every chance they get.

But if you want science to back up my position . . .  

According to Dr. Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Laureate and best-selling author of “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, people tend to take a benchmark and react to it. It actually takes effort to make an individual act and think rationally to find the support for independent thought processes. His empirical findings challenge the assumption of human rationality prevailing in modern economic theory; however, his research, results and principles are largely used by behavioral psychologists today.

“Life is a reflection of what you think. If your thoughts are negative, the world you see will be the same.”


– Leon Brown, MLB player

Time for me to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Here are five ways to make positive changes in your life today that will leave a lasting impression on others, as well as make you a happier person.


Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure those in your life are positive, supportive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback. Negative people may increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways. Practice positive self-talk. All of these things will contribute to you having a positive and productive mindset.

  1. DON’T DO IT

You know what I mean — you just need to think about it!  Don’t post on social media when you’re angry, don’t respond unless you grandmother would approve of every word you use, don’t have an opinion unless you have the knowledge and facts to back it up. Show respect and avoid the fight. Only participate if you can clearly see the intent and purpose is for a positive change. It’s one thing to post a sarcastic retort on something you disagree with; it’s another thing to have an intelligent debate while disagreeing.


Think of it like this, “Pay it Forward” and focus on what YOU can do to make a difference. Once you get the motivation to do it, you will see the immediate benefits, and a true leader will find the purpose in getting more invested in the mission. One person can make an incredible difference. Giving and gratitude go hand in hand. The more you practice it, the better you will get at it. I challenge you to take the first step, then pass it on and grow the efforts.


When I say be a mentor, I mean take an active role in discovering what you are passionate about and go inspire others. You can find these opportunities all around you, through schools, community-based mentor programs, your church, YMCA, etc. Regardless of where you choose, mentor a young person who needs direction in their life. Teach them about life, integrity, leadership and the character and skills necessary to succeed. For some of these kids, you may be the only positive figure in their life. You can make a difference.


For some, this may seem uncomfortable, but it is no different than journaling. I am a huge proponent of journaling; it allows me to put my thoughts, ideas, concerns, frustrations and questions on paper.  And when I write things down, I am more likely to act upon them. A component of my journaling that I learned from my father was to remember what you grateful for each day. For years, I have made it a habit to write five things down each day that I am grateful for. We all have general ones such as health, family and friends, but look deeper and put thought into it. If I can recognize the things I am grateful for before I go to bed, the odds of me waking up with the right attitude increase.

Don’t talk. Act.

Don’t say. Show.

Don’t promise. Prove.

Make a difference today.


Humbled to lead,

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©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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► Take the First Step

Martin Luther King Jr said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” In this week’s Power Cast episode, Take the First Step, Victor talks about the connection between belief and success, and reminds us that making progress is more important than the size of the step you take.

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Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


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✏ You, Only Better: Self-Improvement for Leaders

The quest for knowledge is a never-ending journey. Anything worthwhile takes time to build. You know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Just in case you’re wondering: according to historians who took the time to count, it actually took 1,00,491 days. To be an effective leader today, you must make an investment in your personal development and make it a never-ending journey; there is no starting point, nor an end. The more time you spend on developing your skill sets, the more experienced you will become. Even small steps equal great distances over time.  In your journey to improve, complacency is the enemy. There is always somebody grinding harder than you looking for an opportunity.

Most people say that there aren’t enough hours in the day to set aside time for self-improvement, because of all the challenges that barrage us every day. We live in a world where there is an enormous amount of information getting thrown at us through unlimited amounts of outlets to consume. What if you looked at it another way? Let’s think about professional athletes. It may not be an “apples to apples” comparison, but stay with me for just a second. Professional athletes have their season and their off season. During the season, they work to contribute to their teams’ success by playing a role. They dedicate every aspect of their lives – from what they eat to how much they sleep to when they train. Game after game, the physical and mental toll that they go through is unimaginable to most. However, once their season ends, the real season begins – the off season.  During this time that they focus on self-improvement. They start with rest and relaxation. They heal themselves mentally and physically. They focus on getting stronger, faster and mentally prepared. They take full advantage of the time to train and perfect their skills. In some cases, they spend up to eight hours a day during the off season, six days a week.

You’re probably saying to yourself, “there is no off season for a leader.” Wrong. We may not have specific months for a regiment of self-development, but we have the same expectations and needs to focus on ourselves. If you don’t have a game plan for your off season as a leader, now is the time. Think about the opportunities you may be overlooking. Start your day earlier. Take advantage of your commute. How much time you spend on social media? Can you empower your team more to boost collaboration? Do you spend too much time on emails and texts when a call can accomplish your objective in less time?

Ok, you’ve found the time. Now, what skills can we work on in our personal development plan?

10 Things You Can Work On in the “Off Season”:

  1. Get inspired. Find something that inspires you and pursue it. Learn all you can, then find where it is applicable to your self-improvement and develop a plan of implementation
  2. Develop a new skill set. If you want to be more powerful in your life, learn more. It’s that simple!
  3. Reflect. Take an honest look at yourself and ask if you are being an effective leader. Be humble, and ask for feedback.
  4. Identify the barriers. What is in your path that may be impeding your progress?
  5. Practice patience. Patience is no longer just a virtue; it is a requirement.
  6. Pay it forward. There is no better way to improve your self worth than through humility and acts of kindness.
  7. Improve you. Take the time to focus on the most important person in this equation – you.
  8. Find a mentor. All around us there are people that not only motivate, but can inspire. Find them and engage.
  9. Learn from your team. Who is around you every day that can provide a scouting report of your skill sets?
  10. Get better. Find ways to improve managing your time, and prioritizing tasks and objectives.


Remember, improvement must be based on practicality. If you really want it, your actions should match your ambitions. Leaders can continuously improve and develop themselves if they have a plan and follow it. The best leaders are always honing their skill sets to become better.

The desire for self-improvement is a sign of a great leader!


Humbled to lead,

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©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

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► Leadership Reboot

New Year, New You? There’s no better time than right now to think about how to change your habits to lower stress, yet be more productive as a leader. Victor starts you off with 10 great ideas in this week’s Power Cast episode, A Leadership Reboot

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Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


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✏ Leadership GPS

Imagine if we all had our own personal “Leadership GPS” to carry with us to navigate every situation. Just a simple visual or voice prompt to guide us to the right decisions. All we would have to do is wake up, turn it on, and start our day.

Back to reality…none of us have a Leadership GPS, and likely won’t for a long while. However, we do have an internal voice — a force within all of us that can guide our decisions.

The question is, are you using it?

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”

– Rumi


Just as when we get in the car and begin to program our destination into the GPS, we also need to do the same to ourselves. It’s called SELF-EVALUATION. You need to be humble enough to know exactly who you are. Identify exactly what you are good at and what you aren’t good at. Capitalize on your strengths, and find the time to build your abilities where you have weakness.

Put your ego aside, be honest, and begin your plan of action to execute.


You will need a map to navigate this journey and achieve the successful outcome that you are capable of.

Let’s begin the journey; in this case, we will define that “journey” as a major business objective that you are responsible for leading. Just like with a long trip, you wouldn’t go into it without preparation. The same holds true for leadership. You will need a specific plan, with identified roles and responsibilities, analytics, clarification of goals and the definition of success.

Use S.M.A.R.T. goals to create your plan: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time frame.


We all catch ourselves checking the GPS to see how much longer until we arrive. Applying this concept to leadership is the most concerning to me. Just like in a car, leaders are in a rush to arrive at their destination. Leadership is an earned trust, and anything earned requires time. The journey toward being an effective leader cannot occur without time and EXPERIENCE.

If you rush the process, you have cheated yourself and those who are following you.


Translate this to leadership and it’s called ADVERSITY. How will you respond? Most people stay within their comfort zone, relying on the excuse of “this is how we have always done it.” Success is not complicated, but it is difficult. It means you need to have the courage to take risks knowing that you may fail. That is a bold statement, but those who can maneuver around the excuses and/or fear are the ones who succeed in the long run.

The best way to prepare for adversity is to be prepared and have alternate plans. Option A doesn’t always work, so you need to be prepared with Plans B and C along the way.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as
what you become by achieving your goals.”

– Henry David Thoreau


This ties in with SELF-EVALUATION; are you humble enough to recognize that your plan may not be the best option to get you to the point established as the end goal? Have you earned the respect from those around you for open dialogue? We all are driven to be successful, and as a leader, we understand that the wins and losses fall upon us.

However, change your mindset and the results can be different. If you have empowered others to do what’s right, as opposed to doing what’s easy, you are an effective leader. Listen to those who can offer guidance and solutions, and you will earn just as much respect as if you did it all yourself.


Humbled to lead,

#chargeup   #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process  #patience #change #venture  #lead  #prosper #reflect #inspire #empower  #motivate  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humilty



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Leadership GPS
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► Gratitude Again

Gratitude. What does this increasingly trendy word really mean, especially in a leadership setting? Victor breaks it down, and explains why it’s so easy — and dangerous — to let gratitude slide, in this week’s Power Cast episode.

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#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Gratitude Again
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✏ Power Planning: A Mt. Everest Kind of Sunday

Is climbing Mount Everest on your bucket list? If so, is your plan to book your flight, make the 22-hour trip to Nepal, show up and simply hike up the 31,000-ft. ascent to the top of the 60-million-year-old mountain? Of course not — you will first invest your time and effort in carefully constructing a detailed plan. A few facts to consider as you plan this expedition: it will cost you ~$75,000, you’re going to need an experienced ‘Sherpa’ to assist you in putting the logistics together for the 60-day hike and help guide you; be prepared, maximum wind speeds of 200 MPH and temperatures – 76°.

A bit of an extreme example, but I wanted to illustrate a point — challenges require extreme thought and planning to produce successful results. As life continues to increase in speed each year of my professional life, and the challenges and responsibilities increase, I understand that change is inevitable and constant. Never get too comfortable with any routine in your life or career because the competition for market share pushes companies and their staffs to the brink to be an innovator vs. a follower. However, there is one constant over the past 25+ years in my routine that has not changed, and that is spending an hour or so each Sunday evening on my weekly planning.

The power of weekly planning lies in the perspective and control it provides for your life; it allows you a clear path that puts you in a position to be proactive, rather than reactive as the distractions of work and life come at you from all directions. It also eliminates stress, makes you better-prepared for unexpected obstacles and allows you to evaluate your progress. For even the most talented people, time management is demanding, and planning is the most important part of the formula. By spending a small chunk of time without distraction, you can created a powerful weekly action plan to be your compass in efficiency and effectiveness as you navigate the week.

So how do you start? I’ll walk you through the routine I follow. Remember, this is an activity that is based on your personality. Some require specific action plans to accompany their weekly plan, while others work efficiently and simply create a brief road map to ensure they have their priorities in order. Here is how I structure my personal plan:

  • Data dump. The first thing I do is grab a pen and paper and do what I call a “data dump”.  I review the previous week — did I accomplished the items I set as priority? Then, I’ll write down everything I can think of that needs attention, both business and personal, for the upcoming week.
  • Prioritize. I use a numerical system to prioritize the tasks. It’s simple: 1 for high priority, 2 for moderate and 3 for a task that is low in priority. It’s important to note: always put the big tasks first, those that will require the most time need to be the highest priority. The smaller tasks will fall into place after that.
  • Time. I review each task and assign the amount of time I estimate it will take to execute. Times can range from 5-10 minutes, or as high as 6-8 hours; either way it is critical that you overestimate rather than underestimate.
  • Deadline. Assign a deadline for each task. Some may fall within that given week, others may be long-term — but I know that there are specific tasks that need to be completed in phases to meet the end goal.
  • Resources. Evaluate each assignment and determine if the task is mine, or if it will require the attention of others. If it demands input, resources or feedback from others, I highlight it and note which individuals (by name and/or departments) will contribute.
  • Personal obligations. I make a separate list which includes personal or family obligations. Bottom line: you must make time for you and your family to live a balanced, successful life.
  • Build it. Create your weekly planner. First fill in all your personal obligations, then follow by filling the time slots with the tasks based on rank. Finally, structure it using the estimated time you have predetermined in the slots listed.

There is a caveat to all this…even the best-laid plans need adjusting. That’s why daily planning is also critical in the process. At the end of each day, I review that respective day and my week ahead and may have to adjust as needed. While I try to avoid making changes to my high-priority items, I may move around other tasks or push them if the deadline is not necessarily near because of an unexpected task that hits. Don’t be disappointed or feel as if the plan is not an effective tool. Your planner serves as a best-case scenario. However, if you make the planning sessions a habit, after time, you will be a much better judge of your time and find yourself with more motivation, direction and peace in your life.

Bottom line: if you fail to plan, then plan to fail . . .


Humbled to lead,

#chargeup   #lessonsinleadership  #planning #makeaplan  #leadership  #process    #success  #moveforward  #patience #change #venture  #lead  #prosper #empower  #motivate  #inspire  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humilty



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Power Planning: A Mt. Everest Kind of Sunday
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► A Champion’s Mindset

In this special podcast, Victor shares lessons from some of his most valued mentors — those who taught him what it takes to succeed both on and off the field. Don’t miss these great insights on how the strategies for winning the game can help you win at life as well.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► A Champion’s Mindset
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✏ Control the Controllables

God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
— The Serenity Prayer

Were there truer words ever spoken? Reading it, you wonder why it’s so difficult to simply live life like this. Four sentences that have the power to inspire you to live the life you were meant to live! In a perfect world, this would be all you need to hear.


In fact, the only thing certain in this world is uncertainty. When we spend time complaining about the things we cannot control, all we are doing is taking the energy and attention away from what we need to be focused on. Life is stressful enough; why add to it?


  1. What others feel, say, do, or think
  2. The past or the future
  3. Loyalty
  4. Conflict
  5. Most of life . . .

Quit fighting change – EMBRACE CHANGE. The first way to accomplish that is to practice acceptance. It can provide you so many benefits in your life, including a positive attitude, greater appreciation, gratitude, and a better perspective. Your attitude toward life is affected by your ability to EMBRACE CHANGE. 

Change will happen…the question is, will it leave you behind?

“The world still is the samel you’ll never change it,
As sure as the star shines above . . .”

– “You’re Nobody till Somebody Loves You”
written by Larry Stock

Everybody has certain challenges, lessons and constraints. Approach them wisely, and you can still be bold. You just need to know your limits and that includes the things you cannot control. Look for possibilities, and challenge yourself to think outside the boundaries.

By simply controlling two things — your effort and attitude — you can accomplish more than all the other things you cannot control. The strength is in attitude: once you accept and move past change, you have the ability to find peace in your life.

Acceptance will result in gratitude. Gratitude will make you see things differently. That’s freedom.


  3. Your PASSION
  4. Your DRIVE
  5. Your GOALS


Controlling the controllables requires discipline, and you will experience a lot of trial and error. But when you master the art, there will be a tremendous weight lifted off your shoulders, along with renewed inspiration and excitement to push yourself further in accomplishing your goals.

Leadership is a privilege. Make a difference today.


Humbled to lead,

#chargeup   #lessonsinleadership   #leadership   #lead   #process   #fail   #learnfromfailure  #bounceback  #failure  #success  #moveforward  #patience #change #venture  #lead  #prosper #empower  #motivate  #inspire  #beyou #gratitude  #integrity  #starttoday  #humilty  #control  #notcontrrol



The only way we can inspire is to grow our community – would you please share this with family and friends, ask that they subscribe to Charge Up, and follow us on social media?

©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up. All rights reserved. You are free to use portions of this publication, provided the following credit is listed at the bottom: ©2018 Victor Pisano/Charge Up, is a media-based entity that provides intriguing, innovative and distinctive content, engaging its readers with real-world challenges and solutions while embracing obstacles and the value that failure can provide. While that sounds serious, we promise you will both learn AND laugh (and sometimes cry).Contact Charge Up at victor@chargeuptoday.com or visit our website at www.chargeuptoday.com.

Victor Pisano✏ Control the Controllables
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► Leadership: Pay It Forward

Someone helped you get where you are — now it’s time that you do the same. But to really make an impact, you need to think outside the box, and explore opportunities beyond workplace mentorship. Which ones and how? It’s all here in this episode of the Power Cast, Pay It Forward, available right now!

Listen Now

Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

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Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #character #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Leadership: Pay It Forward
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