► Corporate Culture

Too many companies confuse a mission statement with company culture. True culture is planted with the seeds of values, personalities and success – and it requires patience to take root. So how do you cultivate a flourishing environment? Find out in this episode of Power Cast, Corporate Culture.

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Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

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Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.


Victor Pisano► Corporate Culture
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► Failure

Feelings on this topic can be as stark as the title of this week’s new podcast. But even though it’s a difficult subject, failure is not nearly as bad as it seems at first glance. Join Victor as he analyzes some of the surprising benefits of failure, and how you can best learn from your mistakes.

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Excited? Inspired? Get our motivational e-news, The Wire, delivered weekly right to your inbox!

Charge Me Up with The Wire!

Know someone else who needs to Charge Up? We invite you to share what you’ve heard!

#action #leadership #leadershiplessons #reflect #inspire #empower #payitforward #chargeup

Power Cast is Charge Up’s weekly podcast, hosted by Victor PisanoYou’re invited to tune in and turn it up as Victor talks leadership, real-world style.

Victor Pisano► Failure
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